1911Forum.com ?????


What happened to the 1911 Forum?? While it kind of sucked, it had some useful information there. I guess I miss it.

Nipples } }:p
Was back up for awhile & then several days later a note said it would be down again for awhile as they were switching servers. Should be back soon.
Hey there Nipples,you have to go to 1911forum.com first and then click on forum. The address to the forum itself has changed slightly, so if you have your link set to the old forum instead of the main page you will get a error message or "not able to reach this page". Where you able to solve the Sweat on your hand gun problem?
Thanks IRock

Thanks for the bad "link" fix info, IRock. Can get to 1911 forum now. By the way, I have solved my 38DD sweat problem... drastic plastic... Glock 23 with 13 rounds of 135 grain cor-bon. Light weight, no rust with Tenifer finish and excellent reliability/stopping power.


The page you requested could not be loaded.


An error occurred while attempting connection to the server

Make sure you are connected to the Internet


...all that shows for the last month...

Thanks for the heads up johnwont...did you see the "they changed the" part...I had over 2100 posts at 1911 forum .com from the same addy and now I get this...
johnwill - As I understand it, the triple-dub hasn't been required for a while on the WWW.

I just tried 1911forum.com and got in immediately. The home page says they have been back in action since 12/14/01. I'm not sure why you guys are having problems now. :confused:
The forum has been back since 12/14/01 on a new server and running on vbulletin. Running quite nicely too.

Come on over and visit.

Link below.
I get this message from work.
But not at home, no trouble at home.
Bet it has something to do with firwalls.
Maybe they can turn the security down?

You don't have permission to access /forums/ on this server.


Apache/1.3.22 Server at www.1911forum.com Port 80
John-C, if you are getting the Forbidden page, then you are getting the OLD site and not the new one.

If you are having trouble getting to the forums section of 1911, simply first go to www.1911forum.com , then click on the forums. Do NOT use your previous bookmarks to find the forums section or address bar history. Type in the new address yourself.

If you are getting the Forbidden page, it has nothing to do with your firewalls or the firewalls at your work. It has everything to do with the address no longer being public.
There is something configured incorrectly on their end. It has something to do with using Windows 2000 Pro. Thats what I use and I get that message everytime I've tried since they have moved. The security with Win2K is a little tighter, but the message is being sent by the Apache server on their end. Something isn't configured correctly. I can connect using Windows NT 4.0 without a problem. Both machines are running Internet Explorer 5.5 SP2 with all patches applied.
I'm still using Windows 98 and I can't access the server (forbidden message even when address is typed in). Oh well, I was thinking I was spending too much time at the computer anyway.

>John-C, if you are getting the Forbidden page, >then you are getting the OLD site and not the new >one.
> If you are having trouble getting to the forums >section of 1911, simply first go to >www.1911forum.com , then click on the forums. Do
> NOT use your previous bookmarks to find the >forums section or address bar history. Type in >the new address yourself.

I wish. No I simply can not connect to 1911forum.com
at work. I type in http://1911forum.com, 1911forum.com, www.1911forum.com, http://www.1911forum.com or even ping the site and get their IP number then type that in and it refuses that too.
I know we use WinNT at work, plus other complicated networking.
At home or firends computers I can connect to the forums. It no doubt is the trouble that others are having. They are getting refused by the forums server for some reason. Well they will figure it out sometime.