1858 Parts Kit From Cabelas

Fixed the '58 for 5 cents or $1.32 whichever way you want to look at it

I got to thinking on my way to church this morning, that I think below a certain size, Metric and 'MERICAN screw threads are one and same pitch. After Church I perused the local hardware store's supply of 'MERICAN and Metric screws. Well I bought 2 6-32 x 1/4 lgth.machine screws. 2, 8-32 by 3/8, 2 10-32 x 3/8 and two each of the metric equivilent. $1.32 cents worth altogether. Came home and checked out the thread size....it was the first one I picked up the 6-32 x 1/4 a whole 5 cent screw. I had to shorten the head depth a bit to clear the Trigger Guard, but it fits the frame just fine, 1/2 thread below bottom of the cylinder frame (so as not to pin the cylinder or drag agin it.)

I'll take the advice about the doodad box and I will replace the one I bought for the real one, but at least until the parts come from Dixie, I can shoot both.
Ok so I'm a dummy for not finding the lost one yet.... but like I have said before, The Lord protects fools and children.

FYI the threads are the same for the screw that tensions the hammer spring and the trigger springs as well. The same screw will not work as the trigger spring hole is to large but with a washer??? and filing down the head depth....can work.
Cheaper to go buy the 6-32 x 1/4 . Beats 3 bucks for the right screw, and a weeks wait, in a pinch.

I gots two bathtubs on order too...LOL

Yahoo.! now where did I put the that bag of new screws???..........LOL
Man,thats Not A Pretty Picture!!! Lol.where Do You Get These Ideas Mike?lol.by The Way Mike,we Had A Bad One Last Night! A 16 Yr Old Was Car Surfing(riding On The Hood) At 50 Mph And Came Off In A Curb Onto The Roadway In One Of Our South Nashville Parks.it Killed Him Instantly.i Didnt Get Off This Morning Till 4am.real Bad Scene!!
Hey Mike,good News! I Just Went To The Possible Shop Web Site To Look Around And They Have That Bench Loader You Want For 14.99.this Guy Has A Lot Of Things All At One Place.i Have Bought From Him Many Times And He Is Cool To Deal With Too.his Name Is Don.
RK.\, Tub Picture? Even I cannot fathom that picture.

MPP1423, Man that's a real bummer of a night, for you and a forever for the kid's folks.

I remember being 16 and feeling invincable and I did until one of my friends died at 18 trying to hold down a mattress on a pickup truck moving their stuff to a new house. Seems no one thought about tying the darn thing down as they were only going 6 blocks. My invincability died that afternoon.
Kevin, A few years ago our my brothers brother in law, 16 year old kid just had to have a motor cycle and he talked his mom and dad into getting him one.
A car stopped in front of him and he hit the back window and continued over the car and landed on the pavement head first. It broke his cheap helmet and they had to remove the top of his skull twice to let the blood out. The kid healed but he never did talk or walk right again.
5 years ago my wife and I watch a kid fly through the air right past my truck and get slamed up against the side of a semi and hit the pavement like a rag doll. I got to the kid first but he was already dead.
When I lived in St. Marys WV my neighbor came running over at midnight screaming that David left a note saying he was going to kill himself and she found blood in the yard. I followed the blood into the woods and found him there dead at 1:00 am. He stuck a .40 browning in his mouth and pulled the trigger while in the yard, have no idea how he made it 150 yards into the woods.. He was 15 and I was teaching him to shoot a bow just the night before. It seems he took and wrecked his Dad's car and was affraid of what he would do when he got back home. His dad was a real basterd to the kids.
Sure hate to hear about that boy but it seems to happen way to offten .
Thank's for the info on the loader, I'll check it out.
Kevin, I went to that site but never found that loader. Can you tell me where you found it? He sure has some great stuff in there. I book marked the site . Mike
Yea Mike,im Sorry!go To Cowboy Action Then To Cap And Ball Supplies Then To The Supplies Again.it The One After The Stand.let Me Know If You Cant Find It.
Yea Guys,sometimes You Wonder About The Youth Today! I Just Dont Get It.i Started With The Vol. Fire Dept When I Was 13 And In My Days Of The Emergency Services I Have Seem A Lot Of Dead People In Many Different Ways But Kids,it Never Seems To Get Easy To See.i Sure Hate It For His Mom And Dad.
I just checked out the link to the possibles shop and the link works just fine. I think I need to get one of those cylinder loading presses. When I load my cylinder, I take it out of the pistol and sit it on the table to pour in the powder and seat the wads and then put the cylinder in the gun to seat the ball. With that loading press I could do the whole process on the bench and save the stress on the rammer on the pistol.
I've been checking out locally and can't find a supplier for beeswax around here, so I've resorted back to the net for that and think I've found a place. Have any of you heard of or done business with Hunter's Honey farm in Martinsville IN? I may order a 16oz block of beeswax in the next few days to use to work up some lube.

Kevin, sorry to hear about the 16yr old. Thats a raw deal for sure. My Dad worked water enforcement for a few years and dealing with kids that drowned always tore him up. He said he'd rather fight a 300 pound drunk any day of the week than have to pull a dead kid out of the water. Stuff like that never gets any easier, no matter how many times you see it happen.
Thanks Guys! That's just what I was looking for. They sell a better one now but I'm not paying $55.00 for one when this one does the same thing.
The new bullets I'm going to try out calls for useing a press if your going to use them in the Remington .44. They will load in Kevins Ruger with no problem.

My brother was a fireman , parimedic and fire chief for 40 years and he has seen things that would make many men break down for good. Nothing worse than kids and it's even harder when they die due to stupid mistakes.
My sister is a retired Sgt. from the Akron detectives and her speciality was abused kids.When she retired she was a real "b" to be around. Her attitude was that mans inhumanity to man was just the way of the world and it's a horriable world we live in. She's doing great now but it took her a few years to get her head back on straight after the things she has seen in 30 years on her job.
Kevin, Just keep in mind that for all the "crud people" you have to deal with there are a lot of good people in this world also. I'm sure you see more than your share of dumb acts and the pain it causes so many.
We apriciate the job that you and other officers do and what you have to see and put up with every day. I rode with a few cops from my home town many nights and they would always try to get me to join. That would never work because I would be busting heads all the time:)
Great idea about the bathtubs, tinker2, still yukking about it. Your method of finding lost parts strikes a chord, too!
Low Key, there may be lots of places to buy beeswax, I don't know cause I have a large supply left over from my bee-keeping days, but www.dadant.com is a large bee-keeping supplier with several branches around the country. They sell beeswax for candle making as well as the beeswax foundation you put in the hive for the bees to start the comb on. I don't have their catalog any more but I may remember (you old guys know what I'm saying) seeing bulk beeswax in it.

yea mike,i know your right about the good people.the bad thing is we just dont see that side much but then again if it was all good there would be no need for police in the 1st place.
Steve, thanks for the info on the beeswax. :) They have 1 pound blocks for about half the price of what I was looking at on the other site. They also have bulk beeswax in 25 pound blocks! I don't think I need THAT much, but hey, it's nice to know I could get it if I wanted to! lol

Tinker, The bathtub thing is hilarious, but not a bad idea. I once was reassambling a semi auto pistol with a small spring in the safety mechanism that went "boing" and shot across the room to who knows where! :eek: I never did find the thing and had to order another from the manufacturer.
lol.yea,i've had springs go BOING as well and never found them.the best one was my S&W 1911 when i 1 st bought it and brought it home after shooting a few rounds i was going to clean it ans the recoil spring retainer flew at warp speed arcoss the room and was never found.i had s&w overnight me a replacement which was 9.00 and shipping was 18.00.lol.a lot of since uh?