1858 Parts Kit From Cabelas


New member
Can Anyone Tell Me How To Order The Parts Kit That Everyone Has Talked About For The 1858 Rem From Cabelas?i Called To Order The Kit And The Clerk Said That They Did Not Show One.
Kevin, It could be that they no longer carry it and that's a real bad deal! For
$18.00 you got everything you could ever need including the hammer and trigger. I bought three of them years ago.
They were not listed in the catalog back then either. I asked to speak to someone about a problem I was having with my 1858 Remington and some guy who knew whay he was talking about came on the line. He's the one who told me about the kit they have and he gave me the item number.
I may still have that number somewhere, I'll look for it today. Maybe it will help.
They also carried a nice cylinder bench loader for $19.00 and like a dummy I never bought one. Now you can't find them anywhere except for some company that sells one for $55.00. I'm building my own!;)
Track of the wolf and Dixie carry seperate parts and I believe EMS has them also.
Kevin, Here is just what my notes say. I wrote them in the booklet you get with the guns so I would have it, this is for the Remington .44:
1-800-237-4444 ask for gun parts:
Parts from Cabelas- Item order # SA-214052-885 Price $18.00.

It's been a few years but this is what I have, hope it helps, Mike
Thanks Guys!i Knew About Vti And I Have Bought From Them Before But It Sounded Like The Kit From Cabelas Was A Much Better Deal.mike Did You Read My Question About Over Heating The Cylinder?whay Do You Think?
Kevin, Look at your thread about over heating the cylinder. I answerd it early this morning and it posted it three times but it doesn't show up unless you open your thread,Lol. Had all kinds of problems with this site this morning.
If you open it and still don't see anything from me let me know and I'll try it again:)
Kevin, Wow!! It's good to know you can still get them for that price! I love Cabelas :) On some sites the hammer alone cost more than that. Make sure you read about how to temper your hammer in that Gunsmithing book you got. I think that's in there. If not let me know and I'll tell you how to do it. The hammer comes a little soft and needs tempering or it will show dings in short order where it hits the frame after striking the cap.
I'm working on making a cylinder bench loader for my .44 .I found out that you need one to load the new bullets I was telling you about because there isn't enough room between the cylinder and the ram to load them in the Remington. I need a bench loader anyway. It makes life easier and it's alot leass use or stress on the guns ram.
Hey Guys, does that parts kit include the trigger spring screw?? Big dummy here. I took my new Rem. apart and put all the innards in a small box. I wasn't planning on browning that screw and I thought I put it with all the others. I went to reassemble today and the trigger spring screw is missing. I have looked high and low, all over this place and I cannot find it. Darn! Any Ideas? Or do I have to send to Pietta for one?
I will go get my parts magnet and drag it around here. I have been on hands and knees with a flashlight and the whole nine yards.
Sign me stuck High and Dry.
Old Dragoon, i don't think it includes the screws but I could be wrong. I'll have to dig mine out in the morning and see what's in there.
You can buy seperate parts from several places, Dixie, EMF,Track of the wolf and so on.
Check your shirt pockets or whatever you were wearing when you removed the screw.You may also want to put in a clean sweeping bag in the vacum and try that. You just may suck it up. I hate it when sh$$t like that happens!:(
Yeah, I've turned this place upside down and it just isn't here. It is maddening.

Oh by the way you can find the replacement parts onliine by typing in the number that RK gave us the new part number is: XS-214052 on the Cabela's website.
and you have to tell them what you want it for Rem blued or stainless or others.

If Rk confirms that there are screws in the kit I'll order one tomorrow.
if not I guess I'll start looking for the screw seperately.
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Kevin, I had to deer hunt and then cut up 4 deer. Then a friend passed away and right after that I had a bout with the flu or food poisoning or CHOLERA or some other form of plague. Wasn't on the computer at all from November 11 until yesterday.
Old Dragoon, I lost one of the tiny split collars that holds the firing pin spring on the firing pin of my Glock when I was cleaning it, about 2 hours before I had to go on duty. A Glock is not a firearm without both halves of that collar and I had to have a firearm to go on duty. After 10 minutes of frustration and 20 or so minutes of panic, I finally got it on a magnet (did you know a butcher's steel becomes magnetized over time and fits under the edges of a refrigerator?) Anyway, I know how much a thing like that hacks you off. I don't take my guns apart in the kitchen anymore it traumatized me so.

Old Dragoon, I keep my extra parts wraped in a oli clothe and then in a zip lock bag. I never found one screw in there and I don't remember replacing any on my Remingtons. I also have about 24 extra nipples and I'm not sure if they come with the kit either. Sorry I'm not much help but it's been a while since I ordered them.If you order any screws it would be a good idea to get a complete set for what they cost.
I know with Cabelas kit you get a hammer, trigger, paw,hand with the spring, trigger spring and hammer spring.
Thanks RK,
I'll order a few extra screws and things from Dixie along with their new catalog. Golly. I remember meeting Turner Kirkland at Friendship Indiana back in the late Sixties.
I know he has passed on now. but I haven'ty had one of their catalogs for many, many years. Lotsa good stufss and lotsa stuff I wouldn't walk across the street for, but a great source for parts.
Lost but not forgoten

Every year or so I take all the gun parts that I lost
and had to replace, then found after I replaced it,
I have this big box marked doodads that I put them
in to keep. Well anyway like I said every year I put
two or three guns together out of that box.

A few years back I made a part for one of my customers,
I got it almost all the way done and set it down. I lost
it. I spent two weeks trying to find it. So I gave up.
I decided to make another one, I got it almost all the
way done, to the same point of the one I had lost, and
what do you know, I set it down on top of the first one.

I got this plan, take two old bath tubs. Seal the drain
on one, get in it with the gun and your tools. Then
Have the other tub lowered upside-down on top.
Hang a light down through the top drain so you can

Happy Holidays
