17 Rimfire Vs 17 Centerfire

Difficult for many shooters to cycle, flexible stocks that are known to warp, and just the simple fact that Savage went to cock-on-closing to make more money on the rifles. -It wasn't for any performance advantage, but purely so they could make them cheaper while charging just as much as they would for a cock-on-opening action that requires more machining (and usually a few more parts).

"Revolutionary Design" ... 128 years ago.
i have one of the thumb hole target model Bmag 17WSM

it will do 1/2" or so at 100,,,BUT,,,i have beded it and did some muzzle work,,,(had a bad crown)

and like franken said it is cock on close,,,and the bolt handle is kind of weird i guess,,,but you kinda get used to it

while it is a screamer and it is very violent when it connects,,,like if you use it to squirrel hunt ONLY make head shots,,,,you wont have to worry about that part anymore!!!!

i got it to use as a go between from 22 and 223,,,does that just fine,,,only 17 i ever had,,,pain to clean,,,but it is fun to use

real draw back is that Winchester is the only ammo maker,,,no mater what the box says it all comes from the Winchester rimfire line,,,,so that kinda hurts it,,and sucks,,but the newer ones seem to be doing ok,,,the early ones gave a real Black Eye to the Bmag

i like it because it is a rimfire and i can shuck out the brass and not think about it,,,but i really do like the gun and the performance

i think if i was going to do it again i would maybe try a barrel from MGM for my TC

just my .02 from a owner,,,user

Thanks, I only looked at the B mag for a few minutes. I noticed the bolt was "different" didn't notice it cock on closing. I did like the flush fit magazine, and was thinking it could fill the gap between a .22 LR and my too nice to toss in rhe back seat Ruger 7722H Hornet, and maybe a little more pop than my old .22 WMR Never owned a .17 anything befoe so partly just because something different too.