16-yr-old shoots murderer--did this make national news?

What would Y'all expect from the liberal biased media? Of course they don't report s--t like this, since it does not satisfy their agenda. The ONLY way we can turn this around is by Voting, and letting people know what our intentions are towards criminals. (We will not put up with it.)
Here in Houston, right after the Concealed License law passed four years ago, a bunch of businesses put up signs not allowing Concealed Handgun License holders in their premises carrying a firearm.
Guess what? Those were the stores that thugs knew were safe for them to rob!
So after a few months, a lot of the signs came down. Did anybody read or hear anything in the local or national news about this?
Of course not! And you will not. It is up to everyone of you to make a difference.
Make your vote count.

Semper Fidelis,
Houston, Texas
Cowboy, that's a great point. Believe it or not, in the mid-1960s, a community in a major New York city decided to make itself a gun-free zone. They passed a law banning guns, then put up signs all over the community announcing itself to be "gun-free".

Guess what? You got it! In less than three months the signs came down. For some unfathomable reason, criminals quickly decided to make this safe haven their own refuge. Remember William F. Buckley's adage that "a conservative is a liberal who just got mugged"? I bet a whole bunch of liberals turned conservative after that fiasco.

Along the same lines of the story. When I was living in NC, I read in the newspaper about a boy in the area--12 I think he was--who was trying to hide himself from an intruder. He went to the furthermost room of the house, and loaded his Dad's rifle. When the intruder broke into that room, the boy shot him dead.

The boy was hailed as a hero by the local community (Caldwell County area), without a second thought about the "rights" of the criminal (which is a ridiculous concept--in my book, a person waives those rights the moment they move to commit a crime).


Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.