You know ... I never wanted to start anything labeled a conspiracy theory thread .
But I fail to see how people can be so blind to what's actually going on in our country.
Petre, you can find someone at any time who can artificially apply your list (depending on their politics) to almost any country you can think of and to almost any period of time in that country's history and make the proposal you do that the referenced country is on the road to fascism.
Try it; make a game of it. Pick the US in 1950, or Germany, today. It doesn't matter, any country or time you apply that list to will fulfill most of the items on that list and to varying degrees.
And some, no,
most of those so called "warning signs" are just plain silly and are nothing more than being proud of your heritage, but that doesn't mean that you want to take over a country.
Most of those things are conditions that are desireable if a country wants to protect it's sovereignty and continue it's existance as a nation. Take away all those supposedly bad traits and you won't even have a country.
This is the kind of "half truth", "almost truth" and "partial truth" that enemies of a free nation use to confuse those who don't pay attention.
If you want to see how REAL Fascism works, here's a good read for you that offers lot's of verified references: "The Shadow Party" which illustrates how the Left in this country is using the exact tactics you do with your "Fascist List".
Click on "More Info" for a better description.
Any one of us here could arbitrarily add additional "warning signs" to expand your list based on our politics and it might just make sense to those who are conspiracy minded and/or don't pay attention to the big picture.
That's the "conspiracy" theory part of it.