12GA Rifle From Hell

Also, has anyone checked the legallity of this? I thought that anything with a rifled barrel and bore larger than .50 was a D.D.
tiny--The 730 lead isn't for elephant.Good for bear and
lion at 2400.Good for deer and hogs..Super great for the big bore club target shoots..Rob has 2000gr banded solid he plans on
taking to africa. Bridger makes any wt of banded brass
solids you need.
Nicotine--Shotguns are exempt, even rifled.Otherwise there'd
be 20 million lawbreakers who use rifled shotguns or rifled chokes.As far commercial who knows. There are those who are doing it themselves,we can find them the brass, and there are those who now seeing the Savage 210, are doing the
nitro express calibers,Just found a stock blank for guy doing a
May have to build me one

Love all the stuff you do with big guns. One of theses days I'll have to take on a project like one of your 4 bores.
Here is picture of case in an action that we may in
the future build a wider heavier version of to use.
It is a Martini Greener 12 ga action.They are the best
looking of the old time actions.Ed.

I am aware of the shotgun exempt thing, but if a comercial variant was created and only in slugs, I was worried that it might not be classified as a shotgun and become illegal.
Being 12 gauge alone wont protect it from anti-gun scrutiny.
The anti-gun representatives in Congress will use the NFA law and the GCA law to look for ways to restrict anything they think is a good candidate for political attack. Congressmen know they can get Brownie points with their party if they step up to the plate and swing at political issues. If they make a home run their party often holds them as heros. Antigun people held Clinton as a hero for pushing and signing the Assult Weapon Ban, puting a stop to all thoses Chinese semiauto imports, and stopping the Chinese ammo imports.
The 12 gauge street sweeper type guns were banned because of the NFA law allowing the Government to restrict guns that happen to have a bore diameter over .50 caliber. It was determined to be unsporting. Unsporting has been used to often to try to eliminate politically incorrect guns like semiauto rifles AR-15s, AK's, and others. Nothing is safe from political attack.
A new extended 12 gauge shell could just as well be attacked like the .50 BMG has been. The .500 S&W magnum became an immediate target not very long after it came out. The antis tried to make the argument that it can penetrate body armor. Someone could easily say this new extended 12 gauge round is capable of blowing up buses, air planes, and killing innocent children 20 miles away. When your dealing with political liers like Feinstein, Boxer, Kennedy, Clinton, and others anything is possible. Anyone can make some kind of law preventing the regular public from having guns. But, as of right now this new 12 gauge creation is safe. Its legal until otherwise.

On another note, I do think this new cartridge has great potential for shot loads too. I wonder how many 00 buck balls can be loaded and shot at maybe 1200 fps.
That is awesome!!!! How do they do for accuracy? What kind of trajectory do they have?

Oh! You gotta get some video of that thing going off and post it!
That is why we set it up to do regular shotshells.
We have millions of slug guns out there for deer, bear,
hog shooting ,and they because of rifling, aren't
for shot patterning.I bet if some lib tried to shut them
down, hunters, NRA,GOA,etc would chew em a new butthole.
Just the thought of rifled shotgun having to pay 200 buck
tax, would really lose libs their elections..
And as far as buckshot goes 20 of them at 16-1800 fps,
is what I expect to do..Haven't shot for groups as that is
for better weather.Ed.
Those libs are crafty devils sometimes. If they tried to attack a new caliber cartridge they try and avoid pitfalls There was too few .50 BMG owners in California to stop the .50 BMG ban they passed.
If the new cartridge you have was called for example the .12 gauge Hubel Ultra Magnum, the libs would work out a deal to attack only your cartridge by name and spare the regular 12 gauge shells from the attack. They wouldnt have the political power (yet and hopefully never will) to battle the regular 12 gauge (too established). That would be political suicide.
Hey now, why would it need a name just for them to attack?

We already have 12ga in 2 3/4, 3, and 3 1/2; why not a 12ga 5 3/4?

:D :D

It does sounds remarkably standardized.....
00 buck 53.8 grains each
20 shot balls = 1076 grains
30 shot balls = 1614 grains

If it was a smooth bore, 20 to 30 shot balls would make a really interesting load.
In our case it would the 3 3/4..A bunch of us are going to
seeif we can get ATf to just put out a list case types and
gun types for over 50cal, an official list, so that all
inand out of government willknow that cartridge
big bores that aren't in automatics and
don't use explosive projectiles are legal for hunting
where allowed and target shooting.(There are big bore clubs)
An official publicized list, like the list of powder storage
and shipping rules in reloading manuals.That would get
all in and out of gov on same wave length, and get the
grey areas gone so antis can't pick away.Now bach to our
project,here is pic showing cases with 3 different lead
slugs, and a case with old rim off and threaded for rims
in picture.Ed
