12 year old girl online backlash over hunting photos

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I'd post them and smile while doing so. I'd also say that it is everyone's right to do as they wish but, you won't see me cower with my tail between my legs for the way I live. Simply, there is no need to feel that way or feel it is best left unsaid. If you or others don't like looking at it then don't. But, this sneaking around and being secretive has done nothing for our way of life. Nor has apologizing for it.

When Palmer shot Cecil, there was such an uproar. A lot come from hunters that bought into and drank the kool-aid he had done something wrong. The last time I checked, he was acquitted from all charges. Which means he wasn't wrong nor, did he do anything that needs apologizing for.

This is a personal topic that each has to make their mind up on. And, I'm not knocking you if you decide that posting a pic of a dead Zebra isn't your thing. But, I wouldn't nor, ever will apologize for a fellow hunter that legally harvested an animal and shared their excitement with their friends on social media. Facebook only shows your friends your posts. Once tagged by someone, it goes viral for sure. It wasn't like she was rubbing it in anyone's noses or being disrespectful. She simply shared it with someone who had a friend that didn't agree with it and pointed it out to their nazi like friends.

It is their attempt to silence you and I. I just refuse to go long with it. God Bless
As goofy as things are getting these days, it's probably prudent to share interests with like-minded folks, rather than the world at large.
Besides, like-minded people will be truly interested without complaint.
Hunting for hunter forums, competitions for those attending shooting matches, motorsports for the go fast folks, 'etc.
We pay too much attention

There has always been Bunny-Huggers among us. That're stupidity and ignorance has been with us for as long as I can remember. Why are we now giving them more attention? I think it's because we too shy or want to get on the PC wagon, to tell them to shut-up. ..... :rolleyes:

Be Safe !!!
I think I made a tree hugger have a mental breakdown when I was in college. He was picking up ants on the side walk and moving them to the grass so they would not get stepped on. I stomped all of them. He cried like a baby. Priceless.:D The crazy thing is these same tree huggers almost universally support the right to kill unborn babies. Go figure that one out.:confused:
Walk the spiritual path with practical feet !!!

I once read where there was this Chinese emperor that use to have a troop of sweepers walk ahead of him, in his travels and sweep away any insects that might get hurt. Little did he know that with every breath we take, we kill thousands of microbes. I know that's a stretch but microbes are little animals. Oh well !!! :confused:

Walk the spiritual path, with practical feet. ...... :rolleyes:

Be Safe !!!
I think I made a tree hugger have a mental breakdown when I was in college. He was picking up ants on the side walk and moving them to the grass so they would not get stepped on. I stomped all of them. He cried like a baby. Priceless. The crazy thing is these same tree huggers almost universally support the right to kill unborn babies. Go figure that one out.
That would make Buddhist monks cry too. Not sure you should be proud of that.
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