12 ga. MINI shotshells

I just fired 4 of these in my wingmaster. all four cycled perfectly. I know that is not enough to trust my life on, it was just fun to try them out.
I finally got my Mini-Shells from Coles! I had to laugh when I first saw these! They are LITTLE!

Loaded length is 1.387" with folded crimp. Fired length will probably be about 1.74-1.75".

Shot weight of the one I disected was 223gr. (just a tad over 1/2 oz.). Powder was a flake type with some red colored flakes (looked almost like Red Dot) and weighed in at a bit over 12 gr.

These shells had the cutest little plastic shot cup I've ever seen.

We're talking .410 shot weight, but with the advantage of having a shorter shot column.

I live in the country, so I went out on my back deck, placed my Rem. 870 on safe, and cycled 5 rounds from the magazine through the action. The loaded rounds fed and ejected perfectly. If they'll eject as well when fired? I don't know! I'll test them out tomorrow for cycling and patterning.

My observations:

1. They are really cute!

2. I don't think they carry enough shot.

3. They're more expensive than 2 3/4" loads.

4. Function (even in good pump actions) is questionable.

5. They are VERY SMALL so you can carry almost 2 times as many of these as 2 3/4" loads at the same weight and bulk.

Conclusion: They're a novelty and probably should not be used for self-defense but might have some utility for survival hunting of small game.

Range report to follow!

Regards! DaMan

[This message has been edited by DaMan (edited October 26, 2000).]
Just got back from range.

I shot 19 of the Aguila Minishells in 7 1/2 shot in my 870 Wingmaster (2 3/4" chamber). They will function correctly in my Wingmaster, if I cycle them with "gusto".

Patterns at 25yds. from my improved cylinder barrel were uniform but mighty thin. I would consider 20yds. (maybe 25yds.) about the maximum range I would employ these on small game.

Recoil is non-existant! (Dave McC will be glad to hear that these conform to his "Rule of 96") even when used in a 22" barreled NEF!

Blast is VERY mild! I guarantee, if you are used to firing standard 12 ga. shells, you'll get a chuckle when you fire these little guys!

At the price of $7.50 for 25 rds. delivered, I don't think I'll be buying any more.

I think if Aguila, would load a slightly longer shell (say 1.65" loaded length)with a heavier payload (7/8 or 1 oz.), they would function better in pump guns and be more practical.

Regards! DaMan
DaMan knows now why people grin when I hand them my .22 Derringer loaded with CB's right after shooting my .44mag :)

If and when I can convince my shotgunning buddy to try my Coach gun, I guar-un-tee one barrel is going to have #5's, and the other a mini ;) LOL! he calls my SxS an Evinrude wannabe ( he owns a Merc outboard) cause it looks "bloated" next to his O/U so it's gonna be a tough one to get him to try it. I'll tell him up front what I'm doing of cours, but it won't matter, the "big dip" and the grins will still happen :)
It's not MY Rule of 96, it's been around even longer than I.

'Cept for the price, these sound like good training loads for accustoming a rookie to the noise and kick of a shotgun. Not to mention there may be some HD advantages.

Also,pump guns work best when the slide is worked hard. Even some 870s will hang up if "Babied".
I got these Minishells, because I liked the 2" shells my buddy loaded for me. His 2" shells carried twice the payload (1 oz. of 7 1/2 hard magnum shot) so they were a little bit more effective than the Aguilas for hunting purposes.

I bought these mostly as training rounds for teaching a friend of mine how to shoot clays. What I worry about now, is that they might not have enough of a payload. Beginners have a tendency to wait too long before shooting and these shells don't carry enough pellets for those self-inflicted long shots. We'll see!

As for HD, I'd stay with the 2 3/4" shells. Sure these Minishells could put the "hurt" on a perp, but I'm still not confident that they will cycle 100% all the time (even in my Wingmaster). BTW, my Wingmaster with 7-rd mag will hold 11 of those little suckers plus one in the chamber. Makes it a 12 shooter. This ought to draw some amazed looks from spectators! The bad thing about this extra capacity is that it gets you out of the habit of "shoot one - load one" rule.

Also feeding shells directly into the open action with your non-firing hand (combat loading) causes problems. These Minishells will not be aligned and guided into the chamber as well as the 2 3/4" shells. I tried this both underhand (preferred method)and overhand and noted the front of the Minishell would sometimes get caught up on the lip of the chamber.

I don't regret getting these little guys, but I don't think I'd recommend them for serious work.

Regards! DaMan

[This message has been edited by DaMan (edited October 28, 2000).]