115 gr VS 230 gr

It's all about momentum. 230 grains has 115 grain bullets whipped all to heck in momentum.

Creek Henry,

Some cartridges are far more adequate than others.

I don't want adequate. I want best for saving my life.
Some cartridges are far more adequate than others.

I don't want adequate. I want best for saving my life.
Indeed. So 500 S&W then? It sure beats 115gr (and 230gr) for momentum.

Or is .45ACP adequate in your opinion? :D
I like a poly-coated 220gn FP hardcast @ 1200fps/704fpe.

In 10mm AUTO ... It's a high-n-hard 'fight-stopping' load. :cool:
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mix up

The OP has his terminology mixed up. Firepower, as defined in his on follow on posts, and the common understanding of the work, refers to rate and amount of fire. A round to round comparsison of two SINGLE rounds, given the common understanding of the term firepower, is not possible.

Here's a link with some good info. It shows calculations that will involve velocity and mass of the bullet.

Will you get double? No. Most people follow FBI standards when it comes to bullet selection anyways. I'd rather have 17 rounds of 9mm compared to 13 rounds of .45acp(think glock 17 vs 21).
It was proven a long time ago that the 45 was a better man stopper than a 38, still applies when you say 9MM. Maybe not double tho.

I sure would like to know where you found that "Proof"? And which .38 are you talking about?

It at least doubles plus it makes bigger holes.

Once again, got any data to back that up?
The 9MM won't knock the steel plate down but the 45 will. It was proven a long time ago that the 45 was a better man stopper than a 38, still applies when you say 9MM. Maybe not double tho.

I will take a 124 gr JHP at about 1100 fps from my 9 mm compact over a similar sized 45. Why? First, I have never seen any evidence that a .45 was a "better man stopper" than 9 mm; second, I am faster and more accurate with my 9 than a comparable sized .45; and third, I have more rounds available in my 9. By my reconning that makes my 9 mm a much better choice than a 45, for me. Y'all carry what you wish.
With a few exceptions, light-n-fluffy has a spotty history of "stopping power." :eek: As far as capacity, mo' rounds ain't always better when you can't miss fast enough. :rolleyes:

Folks with .45s and 10mms, at least on the 1911-platform, practice that old relic called marksmanship. ;)

Historically speaking, the .45 with ball ammo won 3.5 wars, declared or undeclared. The 9-minimeter, during roughly the same period, proved itself useful at executing ethnic minorities, dissidents, POWs, and assorted unfortunates, usually at point-blank range into a road-side ditch. :rolleyes:
As far as capacity, mo' rounds ain't always better when you can't miss fast enough.

Folks with .45s and 10mms, at least on the 1911-platform, practice that old relic called marksmanship.
An interesting argument given that qualification and competition scores tend to indicate that people miss less and have better marksmanship with 9mm than with heavier calibers.
Historically speaking, the .45 with ball ammo won 3.5 wars...
Even if we ignore air power, naval power, armored vehicles, artillery and any other heavy weaponry and focus only on small arms, it's obvious that wars aren't won by pistols.

1911s made up somewhere around 20% of U.S. fielded small arms during the WWII era.

In modern times, comparing the M16/M4 numbers to the M9 numbers indicates that the military purchases 10-15 rifles for every pistol.

There are likely some good arguments for the .45ACP over the 9mm, but these two fall flat.
My 45 ACP's always seem to hit targets with more accuracy, ranging from 25 yrds to 50 yrds, than any of my 9mms have. Could just be me, but I doubt it. I much prefer the 45. The 9's do well at 7-10 though..
* * * The 9's do well at 7-10 though.

You mean, at "7-10" feet? ... Well, that's also the effective range of your average shotgun, which ain't sayin' much. :rolleyes:

But at first I thought you meant 9mms "do well at 7-11s," :eek: which they might or might not, depending on if the store's night clerk is cc-ing a .45 and happens to be quicker on the draw.

You mean, at "7-10" feet? ... Well, that's also the effective range of your average shotgun, which ain't sayin' much. :rolleyes:

But at first I thought you meant 9mms "do well at 7-11s," :eek: which they might or might not, depending on if the store's night clerk is cc-ing a .45 and happens to be quicker on the draw.

One would infer from the context of the post that he meant 7-10 yards (since 25-50 yards was referenced) and I agree, I seem to shoot my .45s better out past 20 yards than my 9mms. At first I thought it was platform (1911) then I realized I also shoot my Glock 21 better than my 17 at 25 yards. So who knows.

I can point shoot anything under 15 yards anyhow, which is all I need for CCW, I ain't gonna hunt with any of my 9mms.