10mm pistols

Or Les Baer will build you a heavy weight Monolith in 10mm for about $2200 or so. (I am waiting on mine right now).

I still think the EAA 10mm is really nice and I have slowly grown to like my 10mm g20. (still have problems with the squishyness though).
"Why not .40 S&W???"

Indeed, why not? If you have a 10mm Glock, for example, a drop-in barrel for shooting .40 Short&Weak plinking ammo is less than 100 bucks; ditto for one in .357SIG, which will allow you to throw .355" 125 grain bullets almost as fast as you normally throw .400" 135gr bullets. ;)

Mssr. Nightcrawler is suddenly developing an interest in the big boomers (note the thread he has open on .45 Super). While I have a personal affinity for .40 (I've probably owned more pistols in that chambering than any other), 10mm it ain't. To illustrate: Given identical weight bullets from the same manufacturer, my stubby Glock 29 exceeds the muzzle velocity of the longslide "practical tactical" Glock 35.
I do...

I own one of the finest .40s out there. H&K USP .40. It doesn't mean I don't want other guns, she's lonely :)
How is this for "impressive":

.40 S&W: 155gr Speer Gold Dot @ 1175 FPS
10mm: 155gr Georgia Arms Gold Dot @ 1375 FPS

.40 S&W: 180gr Hornady XTP @ 950 FPS
10mm: 180gr Hornady XTP-Full @ 1180 FPS

...And no .40S&W is going to get anywhere near a Cor-Bon 180gr JSP @ 1320 FPS (clocked from a 6" at 1400+ FPS) or 200gr Penetrator @ 1200 FPS.

Sure, I'm quoting factory "box-flap" velocities. But since Georgia Arms 10mm 155gr GDHP has been chrono'd at over 1500 FPS/800+ ft-lbs from a 6" barrel, do you really want to go there? :)

BB, what was that all about? How was I wrong? So far, other than EAA, Glock is your only choice for NEW. So why are are you being rude?

I've been here for AGES and know quite a bit more than you may suspect that I know. I don't like the ads EAA has because they stick clantily clad women all over the ads and make their guns look as cheap as the girls on the ads. I feel that anybody not familiar with firearms may look at these EAA ads and suspect that all gunowners are attracted to such trashy advertising. Sex shouldn't be selling guns. Try and be respectful is all I ask.

take care,
I didn't think I was rude at all. I simply stated that I don't think you know what your are talking about, because there are several other NIB 10mm pistols (Delta Elites, for example) readily and cheaply available out there, as well as new production 10mm pistols, like the STI Eagle, S&W 610, and the EAA Witness. Whether or not you have moral/ethical issues with a companies marketing approach is beside the point. I apologize if you took offense.

I didn't include any 1911-style pistols. To me, they are in a different class from the guns he was looking at.

I'm sure you recognize that NIB does NOT mean "currently being manufactured." I've seen more than my share of falsely advertised "NIB" pistols as I'm sure nearly everyone here has. The only DA or Safe Action pistol still being built for the 10mm is the Glock 20 and 29, and as you mentioned, so is the EAA of which I have no interest for reasons already explained and therefore will not recommend.

This apologizing "if" I took offense is pretty pathetic if you ask me. What you said was truely unneccessary. You can have your apology back until you edit your post.

take care BB,
Gee gosh howdy, I didn't realize we were dealing with your "interpretation" of what NIB meant, or what "class" handgun he was interested in. Your interperative skills are far superior to mine, as I simply saw "What pistols can you get chambered in 10mm?" and "I prefer a full size pistol than can handle high pressure loads" to mean exactly that. I grovel most humbly at your feet and BEG forgivness; and I will edit the offending post with great haste!

The full charge 10mm ammo can pound a pistol pretty hard. My late Colt Delta went back to the factory twice in the first 500 rounds or so of PMC 200gr( 1124fps. } The Glock 20 has shown very little wear with the same ammo. The lighter bullets seem to generate less battering ; 135 and 155. Those of you with 1911 class 10s, do the current manufacturers use a buffer to reduce frame battering? Rob