10mm Owners Tell me about your model

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I am interested in buying a 10mm. I'd like to work up some reloads with some serious power and I already have a Dillon SDB for 40S&W. Tell me about your 10 and what's good about it. Especially if you've owned several and have wound up with what you think is the best. I hope to hear from some Colt Delta owners along with some Glock20 believers.

I own a double Eagle colt 10mm. I love it Although I do not carry it as a self defense gun I think a person can't go wrong with it. The felt recoil is low compared to the Glock.
First one was an IAI (Irwindale Arms Inc./Before the purchase of the AMT name) Javalina. Probably the worst $600 I spend (10 mms just came out, reason for the high price. Plus it was my first gun, didn't know better). [To verify the poor functioning of the IAI, I later bought a .45 Harballer LS thinking my Jav was a fluke. Same story.] Now use it for parts for my Springfield Omega 10mm. (Early model - two extractors.) That gun is great due to heavier slide/spring (lesser felt recoil) and linkless modBrowning action. I do occasionally get hit on the nose with an empty casing due to the extractors though but they're travling pretty slow and don't do any damage.

I've always felt the 10mm was the most efficient power/size round (until the .357SIG) and like it very much. I hope HK comes out with a USP for 10mm although it is unlikely due to the lack of interest in that round.

- Ron V.

Mine is an early Delta Elite. Had Bomar sights added, match trigger, Wilson group gripper, etc. Too bad, the early ones are becoming collectible. Mine shoots really well and if you like 1911's this is the one to get.

One of my friends has a Glock 10mm. To tell you the truth, I like the Glock better.
I have owned 2 Glock 20s, big, reliable with full power ammunition, fairly accurate. (My standards for accuracy are pretty tough) one of these two is my favorite duty gun.

I own a Glock 29 which is very very accurate for a compact pistol. I can not recommend the 29 highly enough. GREAT gun.

Have a Springfield 1911 with an Omega 6" ported top end. This one is accurate, the first 5 shot group, shot through it went into 1.25" at twentyfive yards. Tremendous accuracy. Very neat double extractor system.

Reliablity is not really upto standards with this gun. It jwould be fine for hunting whitetails, but were I to go for pigs I would take the 20 above!

Yes, with real ammunition da 10 be da ONE!

Ni ellegimit carborundum esse!

Yours In Marksmanship

Glock 20, Glock 29, Colt Delta, Bren 10...got rid of the Smith "whatever" ages ago.

For dependability: Glock 20.
For all round concealed defense: Glock 29.
For pleasure to shoot: Delta
Fopr sex appeal: Bren
For boat anchor: Smith
I'm still happy with my Delta Elite. Did the usual trigger-job, beavertail, MMC fixed sights. A little more recoil than the .45, but nothing to write home about...

Have tried several bullet weights; no real opinion, yet...Overall, a great social gun.
I've got a Glock 20 and a Delta Elite. The Glock is pretty bulky, and has been back to the factory once, as it had a nasty habit of dropping the mag every time it was fired. Gotta love that 15+1, though. The Delta is fantastic: super-accurate, nice and flat, and enough weight to absorb much of the recoil. Great gun. It's a shame that the 10mm hasn't become more popular; it gives you some serious power (180@1300). I think many have shied away because of the FBI's experience (do we really need 90-lb field agents anyway?) Enguneer
Firearm longevity matters to me. I have two 40S&Ws which I expect can pass 30K rounds.


When you say your Delta Elite was beat to poop, what exactly do you mean? Was the barrel rattling inside the slide?? From what you said you fired about 12K rounds through it and it "wore out." H&K says their USPs will last over 30K. There are examples of Glock 17s that have lasted better than 75K rounds with only magazine spring changes.

Michael C.,

How many rounds have you put through your Glock 20? Do you think the 20 inherits the longevity traits of the G17? Would practicing with a heavier recoil spring increase the life of the G20?



By saying beat to poop I should have been more specific. I replaced about four or five recoil spring assemblies, the "synthetic" guid rods liked to disintegrate at around 2,000 rnds or so.

I also experienced a lot of slide peening as well as general loosening of slide to frame fit. Quite a bit of loosening in fact.

I was shooting standard 10mm loads, not the attenuated loads developed for the feds. In retrospect, I should have used an aftermarket recoil assy, but I am generally leery of non manufacturer accesories.

I like the 10mm. Darn shame it faded so quickly. I considered a G-20 or 29 but I don't care for the large frame Glocks feel. And this is coming from an admitted Glockaholic.

These were just my experiences, so no Colt Delta Elite fans Flame me :). I did like it - a whole bunch. In fact I shot it almost exclusively. That's probably why it wore out!


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I have a Glock M20. Shoots fine and is pleasant with the 180 grain load - but if it were up to me, I'd rather have the HK MP5/10. Sgt. Carlin is right: DA 10 be DA One!
Hopefully, within the next week or so, I'll be taking possesion of a Stainless Delta Elite that is slightly used, but like brand new. I would like to keep it in as close to that condition as possible and still shoot it, and knowing me, I'll probably shoot it alot :) Which after market recoil assembly/ frame saver is the best in you're experiences?
Thanks, 01paw
I shoot a Bren 10 and like it. Downside is that cost of magazines. The only problem I have had is that the rear sight gets loose while shooting and needs to be Lok-tited.

Dan - If you haven't tried a large frame Glock in the last 18 months you should try again. The old versions had too long a trigger reach for me and when the new G29 and G30 came out the grip frame contour was changed so I tried it again. It worked and I now have a G30.

O1paw - See if Sprinco makes a system for the Delta.
I have about 5,000 rounds through the 2 Glock 20s. After the extractor modification several years ago they seem quite reliable.

I have replaced a couple of recoil assemblies (with stock).

IMHO the 20 can not be as stone reliable as the 17, the relationship of the gun to the round would require a larger package for the 10 than people can hande.

For the average person, the 20 or 29 should be all the 10mm pistol they will ever need.

I you shoot several thousand 200+ PF (IPSC) 600 foot pound + loads a year you will eventually break parts. Glock 20s have stood up well for me.

Ni ellegimit carborundum esse!

Yours In Marksmanship

I have had three Glock 20's and still have two. One is outfitted with a 6" barrel and ghost rings sights. I have used it to kill two deer and an armadillo. My wife killed a 200 lb. Russian boar with it last year.

I really like the G-20, I even qualified with it for duty carry at the S.O., but I rarely have carried it (primarily because I got the tow I left dipped in a coating that gives them a Realtree camo pattern finish. Not too good for uniform LE work ;)).

I also have a Thompson 10mm upper that I use on a Colt Gov't Model frame appropriately modified (higher ejector) to work with the smaller cases of the 9mm, 10mm, .40 and .38 super. That was my first 10mm and I still enjoy shooting it, it was the accuraracy of this set-up that really sold me on the potential of the 10mm as a hunting round.

I had a 20 upper and barrel that I used with my G21 several years ago. I no longer have it. Anyone have a bargain 10mm they want to sell? :) (I was considering a Smith a week or two ago-I can get one for $400, but I see Rich thinks they're useless...)
Everyone knows how I feel about Smith 3rd gen autos... but if you've gotta own one adn it can't come from the performance center, a 10mm would be the best one to have...

Most gun people wuld overlook the maker out of interest in the caliber ;).

The 10mm-List seems to think rather highly of them to tell the truth. People talking lately about buying them between $350-$400.
I love my S&W 10mm, but then again its a M610 and happens to be the most accurate revolver I own. If you want a 10mm that never jams, you don't have to worry about clips for, and can load with the FBI wimp load or the hottest load you can find and not worry about fuction, heck you can even fire the .40 S&W or with a little custom work (like mine) use the 10mm Mag. The S&W M610 is the way to go.

I Have a G20 with the finger groves and frame rails, I really like Glocks I have 6 total and never had a problem. My one 17 has 16k trough it and not a single problem. My 20 shoots 2inch groups at 25yards and not a single jam. I ordered a stainless guide rod and a 22lb wolf sping, to keep the wear and tear down. I put one on my 17 and really like it.
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