
Sorry kids, I'm old and not up on the "in" slang.

"Man-bun"?? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot is that?? :D

Published speeds are fine things, chronographs are fine things, but the reality can often be disappointing.

Knew a fellow who loved his .270 Weatherby. It was FAST, the books all said so.

then he got a chronograph....
and learned that his 26" Weatherby was only 30fps faster than his 22" .270 Winchester....

Is that usual? No. But, it was the reality of the individual guns and loads he had.
Well, I'm not sure you're ready for it, but the "man-bun" is the latest development in high performance shooting. It recognizes that not brute force, but the stylishness of a cartridge is as important as anything in its popularity in long range precision shooting. A perfect example is the 6.5 creedmoor, which is ragingly popular but arguable doesn't do much of anything other cartridges didn't already do. More importantly, it is socially-acceptable and shoots mild-recoiling loads with exceptionally sexy long seated high BC bullets. It's the perfect expression of masculinity, in a girly sort of way, which is right in tune with sexual ambiguity that is so popular these days. The ultimate man-bun statement is to show up with a man-bun cartridge at a shooting match wearing a man-bun yourself--the other competitors will feel vaguely threatened--especially if you give them tips on how to clean their bores, that it will throw their game and give you the advantage. Here is a video that will help you on your way, you can thank me later.

PS: here's another video demonstrating that man buns were also used by warriors to intimidate their opponents.
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oooo k... not thanking you for the video. :D

I do thank you for the explanation, though.

And don't worry, I'm not in the least bit threatened by a man-bun, as in my world its a sign of cowardice. A true warrior who wears their hair long, wears it loose or in braids or a pony tail as a sign of defiance to the risk of an enemy grabbing it in combat. its a pride thing, and someone wearing their hair up in a bun is showing their lack of bravery, in effect showing their fear.....;)

Note, this does not apply to wearing one's hair up, covered or tightly bound to prevent machinery from grabbing it. There is no honor gained taunting machinery. :D

To further reduce its effect on me, I come from a culture where guns are not sexy, or sexual in any way. Interesting, pleasing, enjoyable, and many other things but never sexual. A personal ethos. I find those who equate firearms with anything sexual to be childish and immature.

as even Freud is reported to have said, "sometimes a cigar is just a cigar". :rolleyes:
Man did we take a left turn here. LOL. I'm going to load 7828 up to max and see what happens. I'll let everyone know.
That should work. If I understand correctly, your 6.5 PRC is basically a short magnum similar to the WSM series. So with a 24" barrel, I would expect it to come close to the 270 WSM.....
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Yes it is basically a 6.5 wsm. Powders I have are imr4831,h4931,rl26,imr7828,ramshot magnum,6.5 staball.
Hope to shoot it over a 1000 yds some day. I got some lapua brass to try.
I bought loaded 6.5 PRC ammo from petersen and necked down the brass, they are very good. I'm interested in your results with the 7828--I tried it but nothing remarkable.
I have lapua brass to try. How is the weight consistency on the peterson brass. I have a good load with rl26 at 2950. Looking at the data most of the accurate loads are around 2900. 57gn of rl26 gave me a es of 9 and sd of 3. Have 24lb of it. 61.9gn of magnum give me a es of30 and sd of 13. Have 20lb of that. Also have 24lb of 6.5 staball. And 16lb of 7828. BTW 7828 works really well in my 270 with a 140gn bullet.
I don't have any PRC lapua brass--though generally it is very good stuff. To be frank, I don't get as hung-up over precision measurements of a particular brass new as much as I do its working performance over repeated firings. I like brass that stays consistent in its tension in the neck and primer pocket and shows minimal signs of flowing at the head and shoulder. Chambers are going to vary. Petersen, ADG and Lapua are usually the better performing ones I try to use. All that said, Lake City brass for the .308 class of cartridges is excellent IMO even if you have to work it a bit.

RL26 went the way of the dinosaurs AFAIK, as has most alliant reloder powders.

What distances do you shoot at when testing?
Well, Sako2, your propellant inventory is enviable. Surely one or more of the flavors you have will yield the results you seek. You mentioned your 270, .... is it outrunning the 6.5? I have gotten some pretty high velocities out my 270 Winchester and have arrived at some reasonable maximums using optimal powders in my 24" model 70:
  • 130 grain bullets at 3,200 fps.
  • 140 grain bullets at 3,100 fps.
  • 150 grain bullets at 3,000 fps.

My highest achieved velocity was 3285 fps using 140 grain bullets. However, primer pockets got loose after the third firing, consequently I set my limits lower.

I could be wrong, but I'm thinking your 6.5 PRC should be able to meet or exceed these performance levels within allowable pressures using some of the propellants you now have. But the 270 Winchester is a tough act to follow, tougher to replace, without making some sacrifices to do so. Perhaps the 6.5 PRC will succeed where the 264 Winchester Magnum failed.....
In any case, you have an accurate rifle; have fun with it and good luck with your objectives.
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Pathfinder i never chronoed the 270. It's commercial mauser 98. It's my go to gun for whitetail here in PA. I have never broken 3000fps with the 6.5. Either the data or my chrono is wrong. I'm happy at 2950 because it's very accurate ans brass life is excellent. My hornady brass has 20 firings on it.
Good case life and barrel longevity could be the results of not red-lining your loads. Less fuel plus less pressure has benefits. Sometimes less is more.
Those are actually a little more moderate than the loads I ran in my 25 PRC--but I might have a bit more case room since I can load the bullets very long. But my results with 7828 were not remarkable and did not group very well.