100 days till Y2K

The average American has many obstacles to even beginning Y2K preparation. One of the biggest delays to begin preparation is overcoming ... "grey thinking".

When we hear two equally confident opposing views, and have no way to verify the proofs or information, most Americans tend to assume the truth is "somewhere in the middle." Even though there is no real proof either way. It's intellectual laziness, and one of the ways we get through a day filled with WAY to much information.

I had to get past this one. I heard Gary North a few times on radio, and heard a lot of people like Artech. I assumed the truth was in the middle, so I planned to stock the cupboards in late December.

I kept researching and paying attention, however. Eventually I absorbed enough information I trusted to change my thinking, create a plan, and implement it. Our list is almost completely done except for a few consumables. And like my first email this thread said ... it's all food we like to eat and equipment we plan to use. And boy, do I feel better.
I think y2K will be like Halleys Comet.
My brother works on Y2k stuff he reckons it's no big deal, a bloke we know who is in charge of a huge electricity company says everything will be ok, but if something did go wrong it would take about 8 hours to get it running again.
They do test stuff - sure you can test for everything but you can bepretty sure.
Anyway if it does go bad we have plenty of cows, rabbits, and deer around to eat and water. Don't fancy eating a wombat though. Oh I almost forgot I could also eat a few rabbits.
It's all the city slickers that won't know what to do. :)
I saw a documentary about Armageddon - hell I never knew there was a town called Armageddon. Anyway what someone was saying is that y2k fever is similar to religious Armageddon fever and I tend to agree.
In the year 1000 it was religionbased now it's technology based.

Hmm I better check my stack of pumpkins out in the paddock are still ok.
Hey Dennis, maybe you are right, and it'll all go to hell the second the ball drops. Why would you think I'd even want to be around if that happens? That's one contingency I do have covered, thanks. You all can split up my gear in that event.

On a more positive note, I'm betting that we'll all pull together up here, the same way we always have, and get through whatever happens. People don't HAVE to be adversaries, you know, some of us do work together twoards a common goal from time to time, it's called civilization, and I'm not ready to give up on it quite yet.

I'm not putting anyone down because they stock up on stuff, hey, more power to you. What I am saying is I personally don't think anything major will go down that can't be handled.

I think there's a lot of houses with bomb shelters from the early 60's that are part of the same type of thing, and at the time it probably seemed like the thing to do, but that all blew over, and I'm betting that all this Y2K stuff will too, and Y2K will be the Cuban missile crisis of the 90's. If I'm wrong, then I'm wrong, but I don't think I'm wrong. I guess we'll find out one way or another in a few months.

I am not a "doomer", and don't think the world will end at 00:00:01 01/01/2000.

But, that being said, I expect a BUNCH more trouble than most people feel is likely. If this board had a dedicated Y2K section, I'd post much more. Surf the URL's I gave above, and sift through the articles.

Since I live near Minneapolis, and January temps are routinely -20, I cannot afford to be without heat and power. I prepared accordingly. For those that live in KAL or AZ, a loss of power incident will just be an inconvenience.

BTW, if the welfare checks stop going out, how long do you think it'll take for the rioting to begin? Remember L.A. after the Rodney King verdict? Now imagine that multiplied by 100,000. Not a pretty picture.

There's a BUNCH of stuff that's gonna croak. Whether it does it at the stroke of midnight, or by Feb 1st, it's still gonna go. And if the rest of the world can't supply us with raw materials and components, how long will most people have a JOB?

How you gonna pay the mortgage? Buy Food? Medicine? It's all inter-related, and you have to step WAYYYYYYYY back to see it.

Which will it be... instant death, or death of 1000 cuts? Either way, we're in for a tough time.

the other wrinkle is terrorist attack

what if one of the groups that we have annoyed over the last 10 years decides midnight 2000 would be an ideal time to drop 10 power towers leading into NYC?

they city would eat itself alive

I agree that the reaction people have will be 60-80% of the problem. But there is still to great a chance that certain vital services, gas, electric, communications, will be distrupted in some areas for an indeterminate amount of time. (Is that enough qualifiers for ya...)

Check out this article: http://www.michaelhyatt.com/preptips/preptip038.htm

I've talked with Ed Yourdan, that's what started my preparations and concern. Two years ago at a Software Quality Assurance conference he and a few others laid out what would happen. They've been on the mark for the most part. And the bottom line is that not all systems will be fixed and TESTED by the time they are needed. This will surely cause some problems.


If the 2nd is antiquated, what will happen to the rest.
"the right to keep and bear arms."