10% of Americans own 80% of guns?

KJM - I've pestered two folk at work into the fold and working on several others.

I talk the talk to my students. Yesterday, while lifting weights, one of my students asked if I was getting in shape for my next Intensive Handgun class.

We just have to recruit new folks!!
Let me offer an 'indelicate' observation.

America is not a pure democracy ... it is a constitutional republic, with 'constitutional' being the operative word in this context.

Before the 1960's, a 'democratic' vote might have retained racism. African-Americans, Jews, Japanese-Americans, even Scottish-Americans could be treated shabbiliy, but for our Constitution (as reinterpreted and amended to reduce racism).

So, another perspective on this 'study' is to query 'so what?'. If the results were true, it doesn't ipso facto mean that we can simply ignore a constitutional right. Whether it is such a right is clearly the subject of some spirited debate. I just want to point out that those people who try to make a case for gun control by trying to conjure up majority support certainly do not support rule by the majority in all cases. The hypocritical, anti-self defense gun bigots just trot out this 'majority rules' argument when they think it benefits them.


Regards from AZ
Well, I do know a few people that only have one gun, but not many. I think there is something to the idea that there are a lot many people who own one gun, but I bet there are a lot more with multiple firearms (like most of us).

But the "10%" figure, I think, is misleading & made to make collectors, hunters, and all gun owners look like an insignificant minority, when they're not. Think about that figure - 10%. How much of the population is under the legal age to own a firearm, or for that mattter, too young to vote? My guess would be around 15-20% - I don't have any population figures handy. Then, how many have been convicted so they can't legally own a firearm - about 2%, I think (once again, no stats handy, I'm going by memory). So, only about 83% of the population - approx. 224,100,000 people - can legally own a firearm. Out of them, 36% of the general population, or 97,200,000 own at least one firearm, and 27,000,000 own more than one.
So, about 43% of those who can legally own a firearm, do own at least one. And 12% own more than one (that's about 1/7 legal adults). If you could get 1/7 of the eligible voters to vote for you, you know what you'd have? A landslide victory.

And how much of the general population shows up to vote regularly???
Dan Rather was in Dallas, on the Nov. 22 1963. He as standing on the bridge overlooking the road on which the motorcade
was traveling on. It is my understanding that
he was less than 100 yards away.

And yet, he didn't hear or see anything.?????

I don't believe a word out of his mouth.

******Listen up sports fans!!!!******

This is how we turn this partially to our advantage. Supposedly since 10 percent of the people own 80 percent of the guns, and 80 percent of the firearms purchased are being bought by people with a trunk full of pistols all ready, what is the need for a waiting period??? If I want to off my wife, I will just use one the 1000 guns that I all ready have, I am not going to go to a gun show or anywhere else and wait 1, 3, 5, 7, or 14 days to pick up my purchase!

Make sense?

Any thoughts?


NRA Joe's Second Amendment Discussion Forum
This may be out in left field but let me ask this question:
If you are talking about gun PURCHASES then there may be legitimate numbers- a gross conceptual error interpreting statistics and probably intentional but the numbers may be there.
See if this makes sense to anyone:The average gun owner may only have one or two guns at any given time but may have bought many more over his/her lifetime. How many have you folks bought/sold/traded? I own one firearm at the moment (soon to be remedied) but have had four over the years. Does this make sense to anyone else? Thoughts?

Those who use arms well cultivate the Way and keep the rules.Thus they can govern in such a way as to prevail over the corrupt- Sun Tzu, The Art of War
And all I thought when I saw this piece on the news was: "Woo-Hoo, I'm finally in the top 10 percent on something."

Teach a kid to shoot.
It annoys the antis.
Again, the bad guy......... white, middle class, rural, bla, bla, bla, Sounds like another propoganda attack. So what else is new? I think I'll take my 1000+ guns and..... So we've only spent a measly 1 million since Columbine? That's chump change compared to the Clinton agenda. Hum, a Gov. sponsored study on guns that labels us all gun nuts. What else is new? Someone send this post to the honerable Mr. John Lott and let him tear holes in it. Most gun ownership is probably not registered that scares them. So they resort to the White male demogoge of all things bad to make their point. Make my day, I'm a white,male, middle class, rural..... This is racist as hell, but it's ok if the target is a White, male, middle class,rural.....