10 Days


New member
10 days until bow season. 26 days until rifle season. And 4.5 months of a passion I love and by the 3rd month my wife hates but understands.

I can't wait until the fall, deer season, offshore fishing and college football are all good.
Have to wait bit longer here. Squirrel season opens Aug 15. That gives me an excuse to be in the woods with a rifle scouting for deer or bear. Archery season is typically around the 20th of Sept. I haven't even looked to be certain for this year. Rifle season is usually about a month later.
Get in the woods every chance you get. Don't wait until it gets cool, they're awful smart by then. Stand time is what counts. Good luck on the first one.

I'm starting a new dump truck load this season. :D. Actually targeting 2 or 3 bucks on the club. One's given me fits 2 years in a row, time for him to adorn the wall.
Yep I'm itchin too down here in Grimes County, Texas. College football is a must especially since I live right here in the heart of Aggieland, less than 10 minutes away from Texas A&M campus. Hell I even had the opportunity of cooking for Coach Kevin Sumlin and the entire Texas A&M football coaching staff and their families earlier tonight at the restaurant that I cook at. And around here we have open rabbit and squirrel seasons, but I'm not big into that. But I enjoy Dove hunting and it starts less than a month away on September 1st. And after that deer season starts on November 1st which isn't to terribly far away and I cant wait to try to fill my freezer up this year, especially with all the deer action we've been seeing here lately on my parents cattle ranch in neighboring Grimes County. Also I'm waiting for the weather to cool off some to see if the hog action increases like it usually does because its dead right now except around the deep deep river bottoms, swamps, and sloughs right now as far as hogs go. So yeah I'm with ya SaltyDog we got alota good hunting ahead in the not so far future, and my wife is like yours she will start getting jealous of my guns because I spend so much time with them in the fall and winter out in the woods during hunting season. And I hope we get some good college ball this year also, I know there are some people in South Carolina on this thread but watch out because the Aggie's are gonna rule the S.E.C. this year so watch out Gamecocks! Gig Em Ags!! And happy hunting to all.
This thread is what sparked me to get my license last night. So thank you!! Ordered 2 doe tags as well this year, that was my mistake last.
Sookie tags are cheap and we have a good many doe days as well. Take the girls early, makes the bucks get up and move more in these parts when the rut is on, they don't do that as much when they have a harem. I wouldn't shoot a doe from about mid-October to mid November, you never know what is following behind her.

Get a Thermacell and Bug Tamer and hunt the edges of a swamp in the AM. Fields and food plots in the PM.
Well, the wife, work and projects didn't allow me to start early with the bow. Today is the opening day of rifle season though. I'm sitting in this office, looking at my boots and gun counting down the seconds until I can leave and sit a spell.
Well I hope that you eventually found some time to get into some hunting today Salty. I know that I sure didn't I had to work at my part time and my full time job today. So i'm just now getting home and had to spend the whole entire day cooking in two kitchens today instead of being out in a goat weed covered cow pasture with my 16 gauge busting doves on this opening day of dove season. But it looks like Friday I just have to work at my part time job so by 2:30 in the afternoon I should be off of work and getting ready to head out to the country for an evenin of dove hunting.
I sat last night. Probably chose the wrong stand due to it just being planted on Sunday. It was good to get out and relax too. I also got a chance to put my new Nightforce NXS into a hunting situation. Let's put it this way, I was in the stand and could see well past legal time.
For me I have to wait for Oct. 1st for deer/antelope and Oct 15th for elk.

Bow season is sometime this month, I haven't paid attention. I couldn't hit the ground with a bow.
I've been doing laundry, sweeping, vacuuming, and grocery shopping. That way my wife will understand when she's doing it all this fall and winter. Gotta keep her happy, she's a keeper
I couldn't hit the ground with a bow.

It is easy. I can put an arrow in the ground under or over the deer if he is at least 30+ yards from the tree my stand is in. :rolleyes: In fact, if the buck is nice and stares directly at my eyes I can put an arrow in the ground at 15 to 25 yards. ;)
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2nd sit of the season tonight after work. Spent about 1.5 hrs filling and checking feeders before I climbed up. It was hot and still, I'm sure I smelled enough to for them to know I was there. Really just checking out stands for work. Not a thing moving tonight, I'll be back early in the AM to see what the morning brings.
Well good luck to yall. Unfortunately my day did not go as planned. I had to work until 2:30 and then go pay some bills and my wife wanted to go to the country with me this evening:rolleyes:, so I had to wait for her to get off of work. When she got home the day was pretty much shot so we rolled out to my parents ranch and I saw plenty of dove just sitting on the power line but I didnt have any time to go out and try to hunt them any.

But I was in the backyard at the ranch when it got dark and I heard a pig squealing about 350 yards back in some woods on the edge of our back pasture. So I went and got my AR out of the vault in my childhood bedroom and I put on my 1200 lumen light on a picatinny barrel mount and headed out to the edge of the woods where I had heard the hog. I stayed out there for a good hour after dark and I only heard the hog once more. The first time it snorted about 50 yards away from me on the edge of the woods and I shined the area but saw nothing. Then about 15 minutes later I heard it quite a bit further back in the sloughs in the deep woods so I just headed back up to the house. It was probably just a lone boar beginning his night forage.

So a little action is better than no action but best believe I'm coming back within a week for those doves I saw and that boar I heard.
Had 8 pigs walk out 20' from the stand yesterday. I was still getting settled in. Their noses were high as soon as they came out. Tried to get the gun up but they were gone back into the switch cane before I could come around. I'm going to need to start toting a shotgun back in there.
Fall is the best time of year. The evenings are cooling off, and the sun is moving south to where it is noticeable in the daytime. Football and hunting seasons. Antelope season starts Oct 3rd, here in Colorado. Have seen them bunching up a bit lately, when driving out to the grasslands to shoot prairie rats. Finally drew a buck tag, after 8 years. Can't wait! Then comes the first deer season the end of October, and there is a fairly good sized farm that the owner has granted permission to hunt for a white tail buck. And finally the first two weeks of December a rancher has provided a land owner voucher for another deer tag.

Hunting season brings a kind of unique "fever" that is really special.
We've had a lot of rain, tons of standing water and with it Mosquitos. Bad as I've ever seen. You have to wear a Bug Tamer, bug spray and have a Thermacell. Even then sitting a box blind is miserable. Only way to hunt is in a stand off the ground.

Did that tonight. Worked the pigs over pretty good. No size but, it was fun lining them up and getting 3 for 1 deals at the swamp market. Glad to send those vermin off. We got pigs everywhere, not one stand doesn't have pig sign. Had a big one in the ditch right behind me but was too thick to see it. Heard it, heard it drinking water and wallowing. It'll die soon though.