10 affirmations for those holding public office

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It is an empirical question that other groups have been more effective than the NRA on the national level.

State organizations have been locally effective.

However, before one claims that the JFPO or GOA or whomever, is more effective on the legislative front - not the rhetorical front - that must be proven.
Glenn E. Meyer said:
However, before one claims that the JFPO or GOA or whomever, is more effective on the legislative front - not the rhetorical front - that must be proven.

Amen Brother! (pardon the Baptist in me;))

All I know is that those who hate gun rights (ie Feinstein, Schumer, et al) sure seem to hate the NRA and talk about it all the time. Pretty good endorsement from your enemies.

I would like someone to prove to me what The Oath Keepers and/or The Tenth Amendment Foundation has done legislatively or otherwise for gun rights.

I bet their founders are making some coin tho'.:barf:
They haven't been more effective, rather more efficient. They don't have close to the resources of the NRA so to compare performance would be foolish even if it was possible to seperate each organizations individual effect.

Look at what the Sugarcane, Cuban-American, etc. lobbies have accomplished for themselves at the detriment of this country with far fewer resources.

NRA may be good at setting up shooting standards and safety rules, but they are not efficient lobbiers.
John, make your case with actual outcomes. We try to keep this on an empirical basis.

You are the one that mentioned a comparison. Many techniques exist for determining organizational efficiency.

Diverting to how the Cuban-American lobby has hurt the USA isn't really relevant.
Diverting to how the Cuban-American lobby has hurt the USA isn't really relevant.
Th relevance of that comment is as follows: The Cuban lobby, with far fewer resources than the NRA, has been able to push against the statistics that say the embargo on Cuba hurts the US economy and increases Castros power by exploiting the emotional arguments of Communism. The NRA has all the facts and statistics on their side, far greater resources and hasn't does as well.

How are you going to seperate the accomplishments of the NRA from the other pro RKBA groups when they almost always work together, or at least push in the same direction.
I'm sorry, this has become nonsensical, IMHO and wandered away from the OP.

Like I said, management types could figure this out. Bald statements can't.

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