10/22 or 15/22?

Ah I see. So in the CMMG build, with a lighter bolt does that just make the firearm cycle harder and 8ncrease felt recoil or is it a wear and tear thing?

Has anyone ever tried using small post screws to keep the trigger in one piece? I've seen some cool non threaded designs for tiny post screws when I worked in a cleanroom environment for a while. I imaging the cost of the trigger would go up by at least 40$ but I imagine some people would buy them for "ultra reliability."

I feel you on the Ruger MKII. I've never disassembled one myself but I've seen the video. I used to work at Dick's and a customer of mine showed me. I rember taking apart my 686 to the springs and going -CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED- am I gonna do with this mess. Now it's much easier. Practice makes perfect as they say. I definitely want to build a 10/22 takedown after thinking about it. I want wood but weatherproof ish so I'm going to wait till I take my stock making class in trinidad and carve it from a laminated blank. I've seen pictures of a mannlicher stock on a takedown with all brass fittings and it hit me in the I wants so hard.
Ah I see. So in the CMMG build, with a lighter bolt does that just make the firearm cycle harder and 8ncrease felt recoil or is it a wear and tear thing?

It's not wear and tear; I don't like the hard cycling. Also, with a stock recoil spring and the newer crop of fast 40gr ammunition, I wonder if I am hearing port pop. Hard to tell whether it is that or the bolt reaching the end of its rearward travel.

Has anyone ever tried using small post screws to keep the trigger in one piece? I've seen some cool non threaded designs for tiny post screws when I worked in a cleanroom environment for a while. I imaging the cost of the trigger would go up by at least 40$ but I imagine some people would buy them for "ultra reliability."

I don't think the pin design hinders reliability, but it can be disheartening to get to step 3 and realise you've inadvertently lost the pin you inserted in step 1 because you forgot to keep the assembly level.

If you are the sort of person who can make his own stock, you are an order of magnitude more handy than I will ever be. I'm guessing that none of these 10/22 niggles will bother you, and you'll end up with a prettier item than an AR.
I'm definitely going to the prettier side of things until I know more gunsmithing I think.

For the port pop, see if someone you know owns one of the newer galaxy phones. They can record at 900fps now for a 1 sec burst.
Does chamber/barrel choice make a huge difference in the takedown 10/22? The Kidd barrels aren't too expensive either. Does the takedown take regular barrels or does the chamber have to be cut differently?