Two ends of the spectrum ... for handguns

14" match Shillen bbl Contender in .309JDJ w/2.5X8LEO - 165 Nolser Ballistics at an honest 2400fps (OK, 2398) 1/2" 3X at 100 yds is no problen when I do my part & I did a .64" at 200yds, 3 shots once with a witness. My 2nd most accurate firearm. & talk about getting some privacy ...

SW 317 8-shot adj sights, .2LR at 11oz .... accurate enough at 25yds, pretty nice double action & great single, plenty for any camp chore stuff and an absolute dream to carry afield (except I have to keep checking to make sure it's there)

BTW, those 2.5" SW 66 are way underrated. Got two - very nice. The Wife's personal favorite.
long-gun: el-cheapo filipino-made AK variant in 22LR....although it doesn't beat my german-made Iver-Johnson M1 carbine in .22LR.

handgun: Right now i've been abusing a full-size USP.45.... love it!
Wow this is a tough one. I guess I would have to say my Cougar 8040 first and my Colt Detective second.

Happy Holidays and Happy Shooting :)

Help Stamp Out Gun Ignorance.
A tough call!!! Probably the Phoenix HP-22.

Maybe the KelTec P-32

Maybe the CZ52

I just can't answer that one!

So many a'holes-- so few bullets!------
Ford Fairlane :D
My favorite handgun is my Browning Hi power in 9mm, I can hit humanoid targets at two hundred yards with it about 50% of the time (honest, I have witnesses), and my favorite "other catagory" is my UZI.

But it's like my grandfather said about ice cream, "there aint no such thing as bad ice cream (guns), it's just that some is better than others".
I'm pleased to see Mention of the CZ52

any gun whose stroboscopic bright white muzzleflash and LOUD report causes EVERYONE at the range to STOP shooting and say "What the "eff" is that!"
And then they see all 8 rounds in a 2" bull at 50! ---humbling!

THAT'S FUN to shoot
My fun gun? Has to be my Glock 35 with a KKM .357 Sig barrel. Real sweet shooter and the bigger Glock Frame sucks up most of the recoil. Just wish it didn't cost so much in ammo :)
Without doubt, CZ75B.

1) Open palm 2) Close fingers around grip 3) Extend index finger 4) Squeeze gently 5) Repeat step 4 nine times 6) Toggle return switch on range target cable 7) Count holes in X-Ring.

It shoots straight. It shoots every time. It doesn't re-coil your wrist to death. You can afford to shoot it...repeatedly.

What else is there?

Triggers exist to be pulled... again and again.