1-day womans SD course, cause more harm than good?

Yes, but

How many women take the one-day class as a lark and end up training on a more regular basis as a result? (Women who would otherwise not have trained.) I don't see how it can do any harm to someone who is realistic. It's still that much more knowledge than you had before.
You might be missing the point of these "classes"

Most of them are designed for familiarization, and the students and instructors should know that they are not the definitive answer to self-defense.

I teach the NRA's Basic Pistol class to a lot of women, and never once have I let a student leave the class thinking that they know everything they need to know to protect themselves. It is a class to show them a different option, usually one they have never really thought much about before. Most of the women are afraid to shoot a gun. It is my goal to show them that a firearm is just another tool - just like their dishwasher and their toaster - but far more useful.

A lot of women don't think that it is possible to defend themselves. (Now where could they have heard THAT message?) These classes only show them the options, and practice and additional skills are needed.

No single class or single method of self defense for that matter, will protect everyone in all situations. These introductory seminars and classes are just a beginning.