'08 election WHO???

The childish vulgarity adds nothing to the speciousness of your hate ridden rant. The warped worldview expressed therein is no different than that found on the Daily Kos, Stormfront or any of the other hate sites that sepcialize in such netnoise. Hope the mods close this one.
I didn't know your virgin ears are so sensitive.
America is under attack not from terrorist but from our politicans and their handlers, Obama wants a socialist utopia, McCain is a puzzle appears to be the standard greedy corporation puppet and other times he wanders off course but either way our country is the loser. This country will face some difficult times in next 20 years what worked in the past 30 will no longer fly. If you support either on a single issue it is possible to spin your reason as the lessor of two evils however in my opinion it still smells bad for the working class.
America is under attack not from terrorist but from our politicans and their handlers, Obama wants a socialist utopia, McCain is a puzzle appears to be the standard greedy corporation puppet and other times he wanders off course but either way our country is the loser. This country will face some difficult times in next 20 years what worked in the past 30 will no longer fly. If you support either on a single issue it is possible to spin your reason as the lessor of two evils however in my opinion it still smells bad for the working class.

I agree 99%. The only thing I don't agree with is this.

This country will face some difficult times in next 20 years
I think the difficult times are hear and now.
Wild, if I may...

I didn't know your virgin ears are so sensitive.
Hardly. Wild is merely pointing out what was blatantly disregarded:

From the Rules Of Conduct for TFL:
2) Language that would be inappropriate in the polite company of strangers is quite unwelcome here.

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And, by the way, you should think about what you wrote. That would be his EYES that so sensitive, not his ears. We read here, not listen. It is discrepancies like that that illustrate the lack of thought that many here insist is reason.
I think the difficult times are hear and now.

Why is that? What makes you say that difficult time are HERE and now?

Has the standard of living gone down in the past 20 years or does it continue to trend upwards? Has the life expectancy for the average American gone up or down? Has our GDP per Capita by Country and Year not remained one of the highest in the world?

Sounds like another case of Abundance Denial...
Why is that? What makes you say that difficult time are HERE and now?

Has the standard of living gone down in the past 30 years or does it continue to trend upwards? Has the life expectancy for the average American gone up or down? Has our GDP per Capita by Country and Year not remained one of the highest in the world?

Sounds like another case of Abundance Denial...

You can't be serious. Maybe you don't talk to the average man or woman very often, so let me tell you what it is like.

Milk is over $4.50 per gallon. Just 3 years ago it was just over $3.00 per gallon.

The price of eggs has gone up. The price of meat is up, steaks, chicken, hamburger, rice, flour, tuna... all increasing in price.

The price of gas is up. In 2000, it was around $1.85 a gallon. Today it approaches $4.00 per gallon.

In April, food prices went up 0.9%. If that rate continues, the price of food will go up over 10% this year alone.

So, don't tell people who are hurting financially that "all is well". It shows that you are either disinterested, uninformed or completely ignorant of their plight.
Another reason to vote for McCain and not Paul

We all know that there is no way Ron Paul will be elected. That is a fact or he would be the Republican candidate. There is however a possibility of getting McCain elected if only for the fact that congress will be a democratic majority. At least with a republican president there would be a spec of a balance of power. Obama has already said what he thinks of the gun hugging people of Pennsylvania. Why do you think he would support your gun rights. McCain is an American hero. Obama has not even pr oven himself in his own church to be a moral leader that is in touch with his fellow church goers.

You might as well vote for Ronald Regan as Ron Paul. The both have the same chance of being president at this time.

If you don't vote, or vote for Ron Paul you will be doing your part to ALLOW Obama to get in bed with the terror leaders of the world. If this is your intent, then don't vote, or vote for Ron Paul, or Obama. All three of these choices ALLOW Obama a path to the presidency. A terrible option in my opinion. Vote for McCain. He has put his life on the line for this country. He is an American hero! At least McCain has proven himself to be much closer to the center of the citizens desires than to the extreme of Obama. Vote for McCain-(in my opinion)
Why is that? What makes you say that difficult time are HERE and now?

were in a war we can't afford. Sounds like another one is getting ready to start.

fuel at an all time high and climbing daily.

housing crash and there is more to come.

People losing their jobs left and right.

The dollar at an all time low. .63

The constitution is under fire daily.

Libertarians see this, But some R's see that everything is peachy.
Help me understand

If I vote for someone who I believe would do the right thing as president, such as Ron Paul or Bob Barr, I am helping Obama to get elected, and therefore should bear moral responsibility for the offensive acts of President Obama, meaning I should vote for McCain. That being said, would I also bear the same kind of moral responsibility for the offensive acts of President McCain after I voted for him?
McCain voted against the AWB in congress. McCain's platform on his webpage is against the AWB. McCain signed the pro-Heller brief in the recent supreme court case.

Obama's platform on his page is for banning ALL semiautomatic guns. Obama, in reference the Heller, said the he thinks D.C.'s laws should be upheld (banning all handguns, banning keeping guns for self defense, etc).

I don't like McCain, but the choice between the two with regards to guns is VERY VERY CLEAR.
I for one will be voting for Ron Paul.

I respect the living day lights out of John McCain. I can't in good faith vote for him.

I will vote my heart. My vote will not become a weapon to ensure a party's survival, my vote will be my honest opinion.

Maybe if more American's vote their heart we can turn this thing around. It sure would be nice.
McCain isn't much. The other two are even less. The next president is going to be one of those three, so decide which one you want to nominate the next couple of SCOTUS justices. Exercises in futility such as voting for Paul or Barr are not for me so I'll hold my nose, vote for McCain, then hope for better options in '12.
You sure about that?

I tried to get them to check the stats earlier, Wild. They either refuse to look...or believe what they read. I guess hard times for some means hard times for all. In fact, I am waiting for the C-word to rear it's ugly head.