'08 election WHO???

fat old gun nut

New member
I recently read some exerpts from the Gun Owners of America (GAO) that seem to recommend we not vote for McCain. They go on to state that Obama being elected would cause gun owners every where to be on guard whereas electing Mc Cain would give us a false sense of security.

GAO also attempts to show a link between Soros and McCain.

Please comment on this. I feel all gun owners need to be informed. The next 8 years seem to be a possible step into another liberal Dark Age.
"...whereas electing Mc Cain would give us a false sense of security."

As regards gun rights I think McCain is better than either Obama or Clinton. That said, though, I would not even come close to having *any* sort of sense of security with McCain as president. He is not a friend to gun owners. I put him in approximately the same category as Arnold, here in California.

I certainly do not like McCain however I believe Obama concerns me more,
no doubt we are moving to the left in our government and I would guess
Obama will only speed up the process, I believe he has some very far left folks
in the background pulling his strings.:(
Ron Paul?

It would be great to vote for Paul if--if he were a candidate from the republican or democratic party. However, to right in Ron Paul may be a way to voice dissatisfaction with the other candidates it would result in throwing away your vote. This could result in the worse candidate being elected whomever that person be.
Well okay, since I don't want to throw my vote away, I shall vote Dem this November, since the Dems always take the electoral votes here. It would be just oh so foolish to vote for anyone else.
It would be great to vote for Paul if--if he were a candidate from the republican or democratic party. However, to right in Ron Paul may be a way to voice dissatisfaction with the other candidates it would result in throwing away your vote.

To me, throwing my vote away is voting for someone in whom I have deep philosophical differences. Since McCain courts liberals on a regular basis, and believes in global warming and did not vote for the Bush tax cuts, I cannot vote for him in November. That would be "wasting" my vote.
Since when is voting your conscience "throwing away your vote"? Problem is there are no viable candidates to vote for. They are all evil.
Agree none of the three (Obama, Hillary, McCain) are very impressive. That being said I strongly believe Obama and Hillary would rapidly erode gun rights - their past positions prove that.

Of the three, McCain offers the best chance of continued gun ownership.
They are all evil.

Really Freakshow, they are all evil. They are comparable with Hitler, the Devil, Pol Pot, Idi Amin. They kill puppies for fun, and rape old ladies for laughs. They tell children that they killed Santa and they will kill thier parent just to watch them die. That evil. :rolleyes:

Or are they just rotten, wrong headed, misguided or maybe something less than evil.

No you are probably right they are evil. :rolleyes:
I am voting my conscience which means I will not vote for McCain. I rather have Obama as President, than a man who will continue the Bush agenda.
Really Freakshow, they are all evil. They are comparable with Hitler, the Devil, Pol Pot, Idi Amin. They kill puppies for fun, and rape old ladies for laughs. They tell children that they killed Santa and they will kill thier parent just to watch them die. That evil.

Or are they just rotten, wrong headed, misguided or maybe something less than evil.

No you are probably right they are evil.
Yes. All DemocRATS are evil and Republicans aren't any better.

  • husband is a douchebag
  • wants universal healthcare for all Americans
  • is a rabid antigunner
  • never really answers a question asked
  • feels the government will always be there to help you and protect you
  • wants to outlaw self defense
  • is a DemocRAT. enough said

  • is a rabid antigunner
  • is anti-American
  • wants universal healthcare
  • wants to eliminate carry permits so no one but police and military can have guns
  • is white or black, depending on what sounds better at the time
  • is a complete fake
  • wants to ban hunting, fishing and trapping
  • is a DemocRAT. enough said

  • too friendly with the libtards
  • is just like Bush; mini dictator with a fancy suit
  • backs current and future legislation that stomps on your rights
  • supports government ID cards
  • believes assault weapons should be banned with no grandfather clause
  • too liberal to be a moderate

Neither of these asshats give a **** about your rights, your family, or your country. They will do whatever gets them votes and **** you if you don't agree with them. They are not public servants, but government dictators. They are not the solution, they are the problem. They seem to be on your side, but in the end it's a power trip. They want votes to have the power so they can work 93 days a year and get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars and push you around while you work 72 hours a week for ****ing peanuts. Not one of these ****ers is worth the paper I wipe my ass with.

Yeah, they're evil. Have fun at the polls.
Neither of these asshats give a **** about your rights, your family, or your country. They will do whatever gets them votes and **** you if you don't agree with them. They are not public servants, but government dictators. They are not the solution, they are the problem. They seem to be on your side, but in the end it's a power trip. They want votes to have the power so they can work 93 days a year and get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars and push you around while you work 72 hours a week for ****ing peanuts. Not one of these ****ers is worth the paper I wipe my ass with.

The childish vulgarity adds nothing to the speciousness of your hate ridden rant. The warped worldview expressed therein is no different than that found on the Daily Kos, Stormfront or any of the other hate sites that sepcialize in such netnoise. Hope the mods close this one.

WildfreakshowindeedAlaska TM
If McCain is the Republican nominee, vote for him.

The two Dems, especially Obama, are waaaaay too anti-gun.

There are plenty of threads on this site attesting to that. If you can't find one, I'll find it for you.
I'll be writing in the name of the man from the republican party who deserves the nomination, but isn't going to get it.

I'll vote for the kinda guy who could've looked the founding fathers in the face. The guy a few posts above me nailed it.
Is there a danger in Mccain?

Maybe, according to Mark Steyn:

"Why Republicans Lose" [Mark Steyn]

Rush was not happy yesterday about Senator McCain's "envirowacko agenda":

"Radical environmentalism, global warming — call it whatever you want — is an agenda born of the 1960s socialism that spread from Europe to the US. It rejects completely the notion of limited constitutional government. The plan advocated by Obama, the plan advocated by Mrs. Clinton, the plan advocated by Algore, the plan sadly advocated by our nominee, tramples on individual rights, tramples on capitalism, tramples on states' rights, and it promotes the notion that government is the solution and the only solution to everything, and it promotes the idea that we are guilty, that we are guilty precisely because of our prosperity... And now, doesn't matter who we vote for, for president. Whoever the next president is, is gonna agree with that premise.
John McCain has decided in effect to run for president as an Independent. And, given the assumptions about the diminished appeal of the Republican brand, that might not be a bad idea - at least in terms of his own personal ambition. Maybe I don't get out and about enough but I meet only three kinds of Republicans:

1) A small number who are disgusted with the GOP and say this Bob Barr/Ron Paul/Whoever chap is going to get their vote.

2) A small number who are disgusted with the GOP and plan on sitting on their hands this November.

3) A much bigger number who are disgusted with the GOP but say it's a waste of time flirting with Barr or flouncing off in a huff because it's going to be Obama or McCain in the Oval Office so we have to vote for McCain faute de mieux.*

So I meet Republicans for Barr, Republicans for Staying Home, and Republicans for Voting McCain With An Industrial-Strength Clothespin. But I can't remember the last time I had a conversation with anyone who likes the Republican Party. And one can't but feel this bodes ill for November. A McCain victory with Democrat gains in Congress would be an invitation to a one-term "maverick" president to go on an almighty bipartisan binge.

(*They don't actually say "faute de mieux". That's just an effete foreigner putting alien tongues in their mouths.**)

(**I don't actually put my alien tongue in their mouths. That's just an effete foreigner's effete figure of speech.***)

(***I don't actually have an effete figure. That's just...)

05/15 01:08 PM

Seeing than name continually reminds of folks who wear garlic around their necks :)

WildorrainmanrecitingthephonebookAlaska TM