00 Buck shot at 12, 15 and 20 yards

All I was saying was your paying premium for Black Aces buckshot and not getting a premium wad like Federal Flightcontrol like the ones I have pictured with my Beretta 1301 Comp.

I’m certain after President Trump retains his presidency here in short order, ammo prices will drop rather quickly. Nonetheless, thanks for the Buds plug.
speech police

Hey Matty, Not to be "that guy", and we all know to what your OP was referring to, but......
buckshot projectiles are commonly, and I'd go so far to say, correctly, referred to as "pellets", not balls. So to with steel #6, being #6 pellets, or possibly #6 steel shot, again, not balls.

There are shotgun loads that do carry balls, the old Tri-Ball load being one, or the single "punkin ball" of my grandpa's era. These were near bore size and of much larger diameter and weight than any buckshot pellet. Firearms and shooting is a technical field and the correct terms offer clarity and give posts (and posters) more credibility.

Offering the above as friendly advice, glad you found a quantity of ammo and it certainly should serve the intended purpose, hope it doesn't come to that but glad you are prepared and have tested same.
Hey Matty, Not to be "that guy", and we all know to what your OP was referring to, but......
buckshot projectiles are commonly, and I'd go so far to say, correctly, referred to as "pellets", not balls. So to with steel #6, being #6 pellets, or possibly #6 steel shot, again, not balls.

Some people just love to split hairs so they can be heard:rolleyes: You and I both joined this forum around the same time 11 years ago. Look how many post you have in 11 years compared to mine.

It’s probably time to lock this thread as it’s getting ridiculous.
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It truly isn't.

That premium cost Black Aces buckshot is shown by the shot from 20 yards to perform no better than the cheapest buckshot currently available. Did we not expect it to fire at all?

If you don't care for me saying that it performed no better, that's fine. We can argue if a premium cost buckshot should spread. The answer is no, but we can debate that.

But it is a point that will prove valuable to people considering purchasing the Black Aces buckshot vs Rio//Sterling/Fiocchi/Winchester.
I get about the same or better pattern with cheap S&B 00 buck at 20yds
S&B uses regular lead balls without a shot cup, just a wad.
I would say regular Remington buckshot does better.
My HD shotgun is loaded with flitecontrol #1 buck, with two Remington "managed recoil" 00buck out of the mag first.
I'd take a 25yd shot with either, without thinking twice.
#1 Federal Flightcontrol is true the best. So disappointing no one would accept this as true and buy it. It was discontinued.

Speed that overcame the #1 penetration issue against 00 while 30% greater surface area of 00.
I've never heard of buckshot being referred to as pellets. Up in the shotgun room at my club we call anything smaller than buckshot, shot. Buckshot is called just that, although I referred to it in this thread as round balls. Guess that comes from my muzzleloading background. .30 to .32 [ 00 buckshot ] is a round ball size for 32 cal. squirrel rifle. I use a 32 cal round ball mold for casting 00 buckshot.
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