zombie apocalypse defense rounds

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The way I look at it, those tiny bbs are going to cut through dead flesh like butter. Buck shot would slow down a lot faster than tiny steel bbs, compared to big lead balls. I would say bird shot would be more effective than buck, and it's cheaper and it's throwing a lot more bbs at those sons a bitches. Home defense is a different story.

If that bird shot is powerful enough to break through a human skull than sure. all you got to do is destry the brain.
Yea I agree fella. I'd say at least one of those bbs will pierce the brain, and possibly it's friends brain that's standing next to him.
if the zombie apocalypse comes and you have your trusty 12 gauge by your side and only birdshot, would that get the job done?

Absolutely. As everyone knows Zombies are a fictional creation and therefore not real. Therefore birdshot will cause them to explode in your imagination.
Why is this always the case? Everyone wants to kill zombies upon sight, thinking that they're dangerous and just want to smash our heads open and eat our brains.

Zombies are our FRIENDS.

They look out for us.

For instance, I'm sure, in this case, had you all not killed him, a zombie guide would have come up, taken you gently by the hand, and led you carefully back to TFL's sign-in portal, where, with the flesh dripping off his rotting index finger, he would have pointed out TFL's Rules of Engagement, which every member is expected to read upon joining, and in which it clearly states that we... don't do zombie threads at TFL.

Look at that. Your zombie guide is weeping because you've made me close the thread.
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