That's ok, most of the people that I personally know here in this fair city believe that the government has a hand in some conspiracy concerning dairy production, (I've heard explanations varying from "economic oppression forced upon unwitting minorities" to "mass sterilization through tainted milk") and, consequently, they only drink soy. These are the same people who buy $200 "vintage" t-shirts manufactured in third-world countries by ten year old girls from a family of fifteen, but accuse me of being Hitler when I wear my snake-skin boots. The very same people who, during a screening of Fahrenheit 911, booed and hissed every time Bush was shown (one threw a cup of soda at the screen, and had to be escorted away). Since I was born and bred a New Yorker, I can say proudly and without hyberbole that over 75% of my fellow denizens would benefit from a sound, lengthy beating.