Zip ties at gun shows


New member
All the gun shows I go to require them. Every gun in the place is supposed to have a tie on it. If you carry a gun in, it's tied at the door. If you carry a gun out, it better have a tie on it. Local LEO's are at the doors checking compliance. (Yeah, they may not be that effective, and a few get by anyway, I'm sure.)

You can't seriously examine a gun with that freaking tie on it. If you want to seriously fondle a gun, you have to ask that the tie be removed. Most dealers will comply, and have extra ties available. But some don't.

But most of them will if you provide a replacement for the one you're asking to be cut off. They're available at almost any hardware. I always carry a few with me. Anybody else?
In my state, zip ties are required by the state police, and they canNOT be removed so buyers can fondle the guns.

No kidding? Man... that tells me how long it's been since I've been to a gun show. :rolleyes:
The only guns with zip ties were higher end 1911s and new Freedom Arms wheelers... just to prevent the uneducated from doing bad things.
I ran into the same thing,,,

This was at the Wanenmacher gun show in Tulsa last Nov 10th.

I was looking at an H&R revolver,,,
I asked the guy to cut the zip tie so I could check the action.

He said he could not cut the tie,,,
I asked him if he seriously expected me to buy a gun I couldn't check out.

His answer was "Depends on how much you want the gun."

Sheesh!, I replied.

I did ask at the front and was told it isn't any kind of law,,,
It was simply an enforceable policy of the gun-show sponsor,,,
I was also told that the sponsors never said anything about removing them for a check-out.

I haven't been able to find any state law about the zip-ties,,,
The cynical side of me says it is a cover for some dealers to hide behind.


The zip ties are a quick, easy, and cheap method by which a gun can be "locked" after having been verified as empty. I don't know if it's required by law around here (doubt it) or by insurance companies (more likely).

Every time I've wanted to see a zip tied gun from a dealer's table, they've had more ties there to "re-lock" the thing when I finished. I don't find the zip ties to be particularly onerous. Now, some of the sellers... that's a different story and different thread. :D
But most of them will if you provide a replacement for the one you're asking to be cut off. They're available at almost any hardware. I always carry a few with me.

Wow. That is awfully polite of you leadchucker. I hope they appreciate it.

I have not been to a show in quite a while but I'll think about doing that next time I go.

Zip ties are always handy to have for a lot of reasons.

One TV channel just showed how useful they are to open a trap if you or your dog happen to run afoul of one when your out hiking. (A local guy in the Twin Cities almost had his dog choke to death after the dog had one close on his neck and the guy couldn't figure out how to open it.)
One more reason not to go to a gun show. I just went to the last one I'll ever see. My local gun store does not charge me an admission fee, and their prices are lower.
Last show I went to was one of the Ohio Gun, Knife, & Military show circuit.

All guns brought in by customers were zip-tied at the door and spot-verified by uniformed police. Guns at dealer tables appeared to be exempt.
Its been a while since I've been to a gun show but I don't recall ever seeing a zip tie on a gun. I'm very glad to live where I live.
One TV channel just showed how useful they are to open a trap if you or your dog happen to run afoul of one when your out hiking. (A local guy in the Twin Cities almost had his dog choke to death after the dog had one close on his neck and the guy couldn't figure out how to open it.)
Posted by DaleA #7 above..

Id like to see that TV show production.
My son and I trap and I have absolutely no idea how a zip tie would get you or your animal out of a trap..

Can you supply a cite (utube??).
My google-fu is strong tonight. (Plus I remembered which TV station had the feature.)

Zip ties to open trap:

To get the trap to open you have to squeeze down the spring holding it shut. If you have strong hand muscles, no problem.

If not, put a zip tie on the spring, squeeze it down as much as you can, tighten the zip tie so it stays down, take a breath, squeeze it a little more and tighten the zip, eventually you'll have it squeezed down enough you can put the 'safety' on and lock it open and remove your pets head, paw, body whaterver from the trap.

He also shows how to use a rope to do it which might be more useful because you could probably substitue shoe laces or a drawstring from a jacket for the rope.
Most dealers will comply, and have extra ties available. But some don't.

Any dealer (licensed or private sale) that won't remove the zip tie won't sell a gun to me.

I don't mind the ties, but really, someone trying to sell a several hundred dollar gun who won't cut a cheap zip tie? What kind of moron is that?

Providing your own replacement tie for a gun you are NOT going to buy is a nice courtesy, but really not a requirement. After all, today, the ties are part of the price of doing business at a show.
Any dealer (licensed or private sale) that won't remove the zip tie won't sell a gun to me.

The question is at what point should the dealer remove the zip-tie for someone looking at a gun? Ask yourself, what percentage of the guns you touch at a gun show you actually end up purchasing?

I am extremely conservative about touching guns at gun shows. I generally won't touch anything, even when offered, unless I am seriously considering purchasing it. And, even then, I only purchase a fraction of the guns I handle. My thought is that vendors should be wary about letting just anyone work the action on their guns.
I love when they lock the bolt of an AR back and then zip the charging handle shut. Lotta good that does!