Zeroing question


New member
I have a somewhat stupid question, but if you're zeroing an optic (Aimpoint micro or EOTech) can you zero it one time and would it be as accurate if you switch rifles? For example, you zero the optic on a 14.5 and then put it on a 16. Would it hold it's zero?
Any time that you remove an optic you should re-zero... especially if moving to another rifle.
I have successfully taken a scope off of a rifle and put back on the same rifle and it retained zero... but it must still be checked.

a different rifle will most certainly be off
Zero is a combination of sight gun & ammo, if you change any of them you should find a new zero because all of your future corrections will be made from the "base" zero".
The optic is not the problem. It's the tiny difference between mount angles that makes the large difference in the point of impact.
Different barrels react differently when fired, slight differences in the alignment of the barrel and optic mounting point, slight differences in how the mounting point is machined, etc... All these things will add up to making a zero different between rifles.

It's possible, even likely, that just swapping the muzzle device on a rifle will cause a shift in zero. (How much is variable)

Always check you zeros when moving or changing parts too.
I agree with Art & others. The relative angle (both vertical and horizontal) of the mounts on two guns to the center of the bore is not the same. So even if the barrels were the same length, the point of impact would be different.

You will quite likely be on paper at 25y though, and thus can skip bore sighting.