zero tolerance insanity

The inmate have definitely taken over the asylum. The people that make these zero tolerance policies are not the brightest bulbs in the string and those that enforce them are even dimmer.

Pointed fingers and paper drawings are not a threat to anyone and it take a devious mind to suggest that they are.
They're turning our kids into sheep right under our noses. The next generation wont be able to even fight a war should the need arise, because everyone will start sobbing at the sight of a rifle.

Did you homeschool? I was private schooled for a spell and it was all the same GFW's there. I would also hope for some voucher program so that parents who do not use the government indoctrination camps do not have to fund them. But...if we pulled all funding from government follishness, I'd have to move to Antarctica.
On my last physics test the problem was something about a rifle shooting a bullet and wanting to calculate some distance, and I knew this was the only opportunity I would have to draw a gun on a test and not get in trouble so I drew the best ak-47 I possibly could on my diagram. :p here's sticking it to the man.
I hope it turns out like One Flue Over The Kookoos Nest! The inmates take over the Asylum!

My Step son was over heard talking about shooting with a fellow class mate and was sent to the school Pyco! She lied to us stating she was a student from UNM and we allowed her to remain in the meeting! Bad move, She placed some terms in his school records that he was disturbed! Lost his entry into the Navy!

Moral of the Story! Trust Not , Loose Not!!!!!:eek:
Zero tolerance

When did we as Americans become such ninnies. Cowering at mere pictures of guns?
As a young man I recall my father speaking of taking it easy on the "scaredy cats". Now I believe thats a mistake. The immaturity of the frightened ones is only encouraged when they are coddled. It is a disservice to not tell the irrational fear crowd to GROW UP and get a grip. Being kind has gotten "us " here zero tollerance.
The people that make these zero tolerance policies are not the brightest bulbs in the string and those that enforce them are even dimmer.

The people who make those policies are voted in by the community.

Remember that the next time someone harps about "States' rights". Just because someone is voted into office in Knox County instead of Nashville, or Nashville instead of Washington, doesn't automatically confer any amount of common sense. Politicians are all the same, on every level, and the local elected officials can trash your rights and mess up your kids just as well as the federally elected ones.

I'll be homeschooling, that's for sure.
I think the big issue here is that the so called zero tolerance policies are indoctrinating an entire generation that firearms are inherently evil and should not be allowed under any circumstances.

Kids that grow up in such an environment will develop into voting adults who will then join the increasing number of anti gunners to further outlaw guns.

i am 38 years old, when i was a kid we played with army men. we had plastic machine guns and various toy guns. war with our toy guns was the favorite game to play among all kids on the block. we played football, we had fights with each other.ect. that was all part of being a "male" we are more agressive by nature.....and we are suppose to be! we also drew pictures in the class room when we were bored of soldiers, fighterplanes, tanks ect. it was no big deal. we all grew up into men and now have jobs and kids of our own. they want to turn our boys into girls! it is a discrace doing that to a kid for a stick figure drawing........
A few comments.

One. My son is in private school, it is Christian oriented but not denominational...just a private school with a good rep that emphasizes God, prayer, sports AND academics. He's 4 years old by the way, he was making "guns" out of legos and his teacher told him to stop and sent a note home about it. I explained that guns "scared some people" and that he was not to talk about guns at school...he's been OK since and hasn't lost his interest in firearms.

Two. I'm only 29, when I was in Junior High I had a pair of jeans that had Bart Simpson on a skateboard with an Uzi spitting auto. Not one word was said...that wasn't too long ago but definitely pre-Columbine.

Three. If schools have this zero tolerance policy regarding guns they need to have a real zero policy towards drugs, physical violence and behavioral issues that impact the academic performance of the entire class. Guns do not breed school shooting, it's the continued un-punished and unaddressed bullying of geeks that lead to school shootings...guns are just the means these idiots use to get their revenge and play martyr. If they crack down on the real important issues. I also think this liberal coddling is leading to the creation of more geeks who need to strike back.

Four. I (and probably most of you here) do not rely on my son's school to teach him values. I rely on them to educate him and to introduce him to spirituality that I do not necessarily understand or agree with but I believe it will make him a better person as he grows into adulthood. A lot of parents think schools are supposed to form their children into adults and that will lead to a lot of very liberal individuals who's view of reality is skewed by "what should be" instead of what is. A world without guns in peace and harmony sounds so great you almost want to believe it...but most of us know it'd be the exact opposite.

Five. All we can do is instill our values and principles into our children and project an image that plays down the Bubba's and the Nuge's and spread our "culture" to those who are curious, which is a majority of the population in my opinion. I don't agree with you guys on a lot of political/social stuff but I take any chance I can to get others to see the side of what I love that isn't shown on the news and in Hollywood.

At the end of the day you have to respect the laws/rules or I suppose making your own is an option through home schooling BUT think about the sterotypical image of a Bubba. A recluse individual, paranoid, thinks everyone wants to get him, armed to the teeth to protect himself. I don't think that's the solution to the problem and probably isn't the best representative to further the cause...I'm not disrespecting anyone's decisions or lifestyles by any means, just trying to show how the people who will end up making decisions will view that type of attitude.

I do think sometimes you have to respect others opinions, voice your own, and get some dialog doing. Might do no good but better than nothing.
stick figure

At the end of the day you have to respect the laws/rules or I suppose making your own is an option through home schooling BUT think about the sterotypical image of a Bubba. A recluse individual, paranoid, thinks everyone wants to get him, armed to the teeth to protect himself. QUOTE:

I agree with your post to a tee except for this last part. you do not have to respect the laws and rules the libs try to impose on you. i am not saying break the law and go to jail, but i am saying use your voice and power of numbers to change things. and fight them as offten as you can! dont sit back like a good little sheep and just let them have their way. look how in that one school they are trying to give birth control to 11 year old girls! they are sick! and are trying to destroy all moral fabric of our culture. as a good man in this world you have a moral obligation to stand up to sick folks like this. and as for :bubba: i think being a kind of bubba at heart a person who is not dependant on anyone, likes to live off the land hunt, fish. and church on sunday. and does not share the sick views of the libs may not be a bad thing. but i do understand the point you were trying to make with the way folks percive gun owners. all in all you posted a great post and i agree.
In a couple of years, someone will be able to rob a store by holding up an open copy of Guns & Ammo to show the pictures...
Men are instinctively interested in weapons. Even the biggest Lib wiener (e.g. Charles Shumer) has inherited this trait. Even when they have no idea what to do with them, men like weapons. It's inborn.

Boys exhibit this trait from an early age. If the schools are starting to punish this instinct, it could just be more of the "war on boys" phenomenon that's been going on for a while.

No masculinity, please; we're Americans.
"Boys exhibit this trait from an early age. If the schools are starting to punish this instinct, it could just be more of the "war on boys" phenomenon that's been going on for a while."

Hear hear! I wonder why it has become the norm in U.S. culture that women and feminine traits are superior, therefore any masculinity is a bad thing and should be curbed. I'm not trying to say that women and femininity is inferior, but people have to realize that men and women are DIFFERENT and always will be. One should support masculinity as much as femininity. The fact that men have hunders of times more testosterone running through their veins is what makes them (us) the way we are... it structures our brains differently in the womb, it structures our anatomy differently as well. It's what gives us our aggression and libido. Even women have a small amount of testosterone too - it's an essential hormone. If they didnt have it, they wouldnt have a sex drive at all.

I'm just waiting for the day where they start legislating drugging little boys to lower their testosterone to nearly nothing if they are a little more aggressive in school. And when it pacifys them (which it will), the legislation to do it to ALL little boys, because it'll be better for their health, psyche and society (Same farce used for circumsision, but that's going too far off tangent).