Zealous Fan Tries To Reunite the Beatles


New member
"Rest assured Mr. Harrison, with your security system and all the police surrounding your estate, you`ll be perfectly safe."
Here is an article about it.

Ex-Beatle Harrison Stable After Stabbing
By Kate Kelland

HENLEY-ON-THAMES, England (Reuters) - An intruder armed with a knife stabbed former Beatle George Harrison in the chest in a pre-dawn attack at his home near London Thursday, a police spokesman said.

The spokesman said Harrison, 56, was in stable condition in hospital after fighting off the intruder at his closely guarded home in Henley-on-Thames, west of London. His wife, Olivia, was also wounded in the attack.

``Mr. Harrison was admitted to hospital at 5 a.m. this morning. He is now stable. He had a single stab wound to the chest. His wife was with him. She suffered minor head injuries and was not admitted,'' a spokesman for nearby Royal Berkshire Hospital told a news conference.

Harrison, who police initially said had been stabbed four times, was in considerable pain but did not need surgery.

Police spokesman Guy Bailey said the 33-year-old attacker had been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder at the 100-room mansion where the couple have lived for 20 years.

Neighbors described the building as ``Fort Knox'' because of the tight security around it, including patrol dogs.

Bailey said a member of the Harrisons' staff reported the attack at 3:30 a.m. It was not clear if the assailant was an obsessed fan, like the man who shot dead ex-Beatle John Lennon in New York in 1980, or a robber, he said. But the attacker was from Liverpool, birthplace of all the pop group's members.

Lennon was shot dead outside his New York apartment building on December 8, 1980, by obsessed fan Mark Chapman.

``Taste in music is pretty far down the (list of) questions police initially ask a suspected murderer,'' the spokesman told Reuters. ``We are keeping an open mind on the motive.''

``The intruder has head injuries so there was a serious struggle put up by Harrison and his wife,'' Bailey added. Media reports said Harrison, his wife and staff overpowered the attacker and held him until police arrived.

``Harrison's the one you'd least expect something dramatic to happen to,'' said Beatles biographer Hunter Davies. ``He's been a recluse in many ways in the last few years. He's gone into spiritualism, spiritual things.''

Other Ex-Beatles Informed Of Attack

Harrison, the Beatles' lead guitarist, lived for many years in the shadow of Lennon and Paul McCartney and was rated a major musician in his own right only after the ``Fab Four'' broke up.

During the group's reign, the youngest Beatle became devoted to oriental mysticism and persuaded the other Beatles to travel to India to sit at the feet of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

``George leads a very quiet life now,'' Sir George Martin, the former Beatles' producer, said Thursday. ``He's very down to earth. He likes nothing more than doing his garden.''

A spokesman for the Beatles record company Apple said McCartney, Lennon's widow Yoko Ono and Beatles drummer Ringo Starr had all been advised of the attack.

``Everyone is deeply shocked but relieved and thankful that George and Olivia are OK,'' Apple said in a statement.

Like the other Beatles, Harrison came from a working class family in Liverpool in northwest England. He was born on February 25, 1943, the youngest of three sons, and became interested in music in his teens.

He learnt to play the guitar and performed at a Liverpool club after teaming up with Lennon and McCartney.

Starting in 1962, a rapid succession of hit singles made the Beatles the most famous rock and roll group in the world.

The wave of ``Beatlemania'' -- the hysterical screaming of their concert audiences -- eventually led the four to give up touring in 1966 in order to concentrate on recording.

In 1966, Harrison married model Patti Boyd. He immersed himself in mystical philosophy, became a vegetarian and gradually withdrew from the public glare.

After the group broke up, Harrison scored remarkable success with the single ``My Sweet Lord'' and a series of albums.

Patti left Harrison in 1974 for his long-time friend, guitarist Eric Clapton. In 1978, Harrison married his present wife, Mexican-born Olivia Arias, and their son Dhani is now 21.

Notice all the security and he lives in Englang how could he not be safe?????????
I just don't get it! What is with these guys. Are they after fame? A footnote in history for who they killed?

Courage is only fear that has said its prayers.
I'm not joking when I say this. Since some Britts have been pushing for knife registration, it just figures that something like this was bound to happen. All of these shootings and knifings are just WAY too convenient. It looks like they not only want our guns, they want to take away ANY means of selfdefense.

If someone really wants you dead there is nothing that will stop them from trying. Luck was on George Harrison's side last night. I wonder what George is going to do now to secure his home. Maybe this time he'll leave the gates open. With such advanced security system one would have assumed that the intruder would have been detected prior to entering the home. It funny how a person who lives in a house with over 100 rooms manages to be in the right place at the wrong time with nothing in his hands but his balls.
My, my, my.

I'll bet ol' Georgie might have considered trading in that two million dollar alarm system for a four-hundred dollar pistol during his little tussle.

Then again, maybe not.

*Thickens accent*
Fear not, my fellow Britons! We have now removed the evil guns from the streets and homes of our fair island! You may sleep safe in your homes, and traipse light-heartedly through the meadows knowing that Your Government will ensure your safety so that you don't have to! Remember! Self-Defense is not a valid requirement for owning a gun!

Right, Georgie?


[This message has been edited by LawDog (edited December 31, 1999).]
I am amused that someone with enough resources had not bothered to acquire a simple old .455 Webley revolver (or something smaller to carry about). However, it probably never entered his mind, before, during or after the tussle.

I found the same attitude in many Russkies...they simply say that some things are part of life as they know it and nothing is to be done about them. That is why I like Americans...they assume that things that aren't right can be cajoled, bought or beaten into shape.
Unless the other guy is bigger, stronger, and/or a lot more dedicated, he CAN be "cajoled, bought or beaten into shape".

Our government is bigger and stronger than we are. Sarah Brady and her kind seem to be a lot more dedicated than many of us are. But I'm betting on our side because we are right, history proves it, and gun owners slowly are awakening to the dangers of Sarah's tyranny.

I think it's going to be a close race. The outcome depends upon gun owners and those who believe in our Constitution.

This sure is going to take a lot of all three "convincers"! ;)

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited December 31, 1999).]