Yugoslavian SKS for $399.99 a good deal?


New member
I've been looking around for an affordable semi automatic rifle as of late, and the SKS caught my eye while browsing a local Big 5 Sporting goods store. The gentlemen at the counter said it was on sale for $399.99 normally $499.99.

I checked it over, and it definitely looked like it had seen some action of some sort, many dings and scratches in the stock. The thing was absolutely caked in Cosmoline for the most part as well. I am quite skeptical about this price tag. Reading another thread suggested that this rifle may very well be a little overpriced.


From what I can tell, it functions fine, aside from being a little sticky, and if I am correct about what was engraved onto the receiver, it was manufactured in 1967 and is a Yugoslavian surplus rifle so it has the grenade launcher adapter.

I read in the thread provided that the individual purchased one of these rifles from CDN, unfortunately I don't know what CDN is. I think it may be a company based in Canada, but I'm not 100% sure, but aside from that, I was expecting this price tag to be on a Russian model rather than the Yugoslavian model since the Russian variant seems to hold a greater collectors value.

I'll be browsing and shopping around other places, perhaps Buds Gun shop will offer a better deal, but if anyone has some input on their experiences when shopping for this particular rifle, I'd greatly appreciate your insight. I'd prefer to stay away from the Chinese SKS' and stick with either the Romanian or Yugoslavian builds, Russian would be even nicer, but I fear they may be a little too expensive.
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$399 is way steep for a Yugo SKS. Don't get me wrong, they're solid guns for sure, but available for much cheaper. Big-5 tends to be very over-priced on the military surplus stuff for the most part. You can get one from J&G for $289, for example. Classic Arms has them for the $289 price as well.
That's what I was thinking, the price seemed way too high for a Yugo SKS. I'd expect that on a reasonably well maintained Russian model of the SKS, but a Yugoslavian SKS?

J&G I've heard of before, saw their ads in a few gun magazines I own. Will have to check them out and see. Thanks for the tips Raftman.

Anyone else with insight on their experiences? It would be more than welcome :)
You can find a good Russian, or pristine Norinco for $400.

IF I was in the market for an SKS, I wouldn't pay more than $250 for a new Yugo. (I'm not in the market, becase I'm trying to get rid of my Russian SKS, right now.)

Don't be afraid of the Norincos, just because they're Chinese. I find the general build quality and reliability to exceed Yugos and Romanians. However, there are some out there, that are lemons (particularly the late-run models that were built specifically for the american import markets).
I'd poke around the local gun shops. There's usually a small herd of sks on the used rack. They tend to be one of the first things people sell in a pinch. Sometimes you'll find a deal, sometimes the the shop sees the Big 5 "sale" flyer and think they're sitting on a combloc goldmine.
Don't be afraid of the Norincos, just because they're Chinese. I find the general build quality and reliability to exceed Yugos and Romanians.

Absolutely. I have a 1959 Norinco Factory 26 that I would put up against any Russian. Heck, that rifle was built on the orginal machines brought in by the Russians. In 1959 the smell of vodka was probably still in the air :D

In general I would pass on a Yugo. There can be issues with the gas bleed-off valve for the grenade launcher leaking. Also, from experience with my former Yugo, I can tell you that the grenade launcher ruins the balance of the rifle resulting in it being very nose-heavy. One of the things that I like best about the SKS is that it is a nicely balanced "fast" rifle, and the Yugo screws that up.

Russian, Chinese, or Romanian...da. Yugo...nyet.

I recently purchased a Norinco SKS, and I love the thing. I have easily put over 600 rounds through it and have only had two stovepipes... And those were in rapid fire.
I purchased it at a gun show in Fort Worth, TX for $260 a little less than a year ago. It was dirty as hell and was missing the bayonet, but those were simple fixes (thank you CTD).
The Yugos really aren't bad guns, but I have seen them for much less than that. Also, they seem to be perceived as bottom of the barrel guns for the SKS model. I have a buddy, however, who has one and he really enjoys it. It's a pretty rough gun, but it seems fairly reliable, given that I don't think he has cleaned it in recent history.
My advice? Pass on this yugo, unless you can haggle the fella down.
Your Big 5 is a rip off store. You can buy a brand new Savage for $349.00 or $399.00 a Yugo should be around $250 to $290.

Here's the problem - when they were first here in the US they sold for $95.00 to $150.00 depending on condition. The inital delivery is running out (10,000s) if not 100,000s. I purchased mine for $205.00 (better condition and serial numbers all the same on all parts).

Well now they are running out and people found out they are pretty decent rifles. Supply and demand, supply and demand, but they are not worth the price of a good American Made rifle.

Just my 5 and 1/2 cents (inflation you know)