Yugo Mauser M24/47 ???


P/U a M24/47 this week. Could be diamond in the ruff, but don't know who the importer is, in it's current configuration. SSN# K 51** which is on stock, Bent bolt, floor plate, and receiver. Stock is immaculate, to include matching hand guard. Bore is chrome shinny, and looks to be un-fired. Previous owner added "Kick-Ezz" rubber pad, and Lyman #57 rear peep sight. No owners manual, or accessories came with the rifle. Paid $475.00, which is a little high, but felt the rifle was well worth it. Any comments as to it's importer would be appreciated. It does have the Yugo crest, and marked M24/47 "44". Thank you.:) Tried to upload pic's, but site said MB's were to high. Used digital camera???
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Going to need more to go on to determine the importer. Picture are best, but a detailed description of all of the marking everywhere one the rifle would help too.

Definitely sounds high for a 24/47, especially one that has been messed with, but as mentioned above, can't tell without photos. I noticed my local Gander Mountain was selling them for $349 and the two they had on the floor were in excellent condition.
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Look for an import mark on the barrel just behind the front sights on the side. If there is a faint import mark there, it probably says "CAI."

Yugo Mauser M24/47

Thanks for the replies. Will check markings by front sight in AM. My brain hurts after trying to research all the info on the net. The bent bolt is more like the M48 style, but why the matching ssn? As far as the price goes, I've seen several out there that doesn't even come close to the excellence in my rifle. Plus the availability of M24/47's with bent bolts matching serial numbers is almost non exsistant. I guess I could remove the Kick Ezz recoil pad, and order an original butt plate. The Lyman #57 rear peep sight according to most increases more precise shot groups, and until I fire it, the decision to remove it is questionable. I will try to figure out the pic situation to post detailed pic's of the rifle as well. Thanks again, Capttom1.:p
the former owner could have had the bolt bent when he had it D&T for the reciever sight(bending the bolt would not alter the serial#). as bending the bolt and D&T for the reciever sight,plus the reciever sight around here would cost you at least 100.00 or more. i don,t think it was over priced with the alterations done and will make a fine shooting rifle. eastbank.
I agree w/Eastbank

The cost of the gun smithing, D&T, mounting the Lyman, and bending the bolt, plus the cost of the Lyman #57 is well over the $475.00 I paid for the rifle including what an A1 grade Yugo M24/47 goes for. There isn't that many A1 grade M24's out there, and most are in safes, by happy and content owners. I bought it to be a shooter, but the excellence of it, is a plus. As soon as the temps cool down a bit more here in Arizona, I will take her to the range, to sight in the rear peep, and a range report will follow. I've owned some Mitchell Mausers in the past, and although most being pristine, their rifles tend to have issues as time, and round counts increase. Most of their rifles have high serial numbers, and the low number on mine, K51** interested me as well. Either way I am happy with the rifle so far, and look forward to shooting it. Thanks to all for the help....
Sounds like you got a great gun that will hopefully be a great shooter. I've got a Lyman sight on one of my 1903a3 rifles, and it definitely improves the accuracy for me.

However, most collectors would see any additions or alterations to the rifle like the addition of a Lyman sight or bending of the bolt handle as something that decreases value rather than increases it. All you have to do is look on Gunbroker at the "sporterized" military surplus rifle prices to see what I'm talking about. There are some really nicely converted rifles on there, but rarely do they sell for more than a rifle in original configuration.
Two more interesting noted this AM. As suggested, I finally was able to make out the Importer information by the front sight post. It reads, GF Trading St. Alb VT. The only importer at the time was Century International, in ST. Albans VT. I could not find any info on GF Trading. So I asume it was imported by Century in the early years. The bent bolt I believe was added at re arsenal from a M48, and not bent by a gunsmith after the fact. I found a secondary serial number under the bolt which does not match the serial number on the top of the bolt. I am sure in the early years of imports of the M24/47, a lot of the Grade A1 Premiums, were more plentiful. As noted collectors would devalue the rifle per the Kick Ezz recoil pad, and the addition of the Lyman #57 rear peep sight. But as a pristine looking shooter, well worth my investment. The stock is pristine walnut with matching hand guard. There are a few dings, but minor only. The stock does not have the hole slot for sling attachment like the K98's, and there is a squared box with the letter, "A", crochet, just before the rear sling swivel. Knowing a little more makes me even more stoked, for the rfle I P/U. Thanks again to all for the input, Capttom1....
My experience is that the Yugos which were part of the arsenal refurbishment process (M24/47, M48, M24/52) all have very good barrels on them and are pretty decent shooters.

If any one knows any thing about the GF Trading import mark on Yugo Mauser M24/47 please reply. Also, the Lyman peep sights were widely used in the early 1960's, so I am trying to establish when my Yugo M24/47 was imported to the USA. Thanks, Capttom1...
There were no import mark requirements until GCA 68, so the importation of your rifle post is post 1968.

I've never come across "GF Trading" on a Yugo before, so I'm sorry I can't help you with that import mark.

If its got an import mark then it was imported after 1968, since these markings were not required prior to then. If the mark is on the barrel and not on the receiver then it was imported prior to 2002. So it was imported somewhere in that 34 year period. :)