yugo m57


New member
well went ahead and ordered a yugo m57 yesterday from j and g along with 400rds of bulgarian ammo. have been wanting one of these for awhile now. have been going back and forth between the yugo and a romanian but decided even though its going to be harder to find mags for the yugo i wanted the 9rd capacity over the 8 of the romanian. just hoping its as good a gun as ive heard about from most of what ive read its supposed to be better then the romanians not that i wont prob get a romanian also. although next gun i am wanting is a nagant revolver.
From my experience it just means you will miss with nine rounds instead of eight. I know there are those out there who say they are great shooters and very accurate. For the life of me I don't know how.
I ordered a Romanian first then the Yugo a week later from Classic arms. I heard ammo would be a little hard to find but I've come across 1500 rounds of new stuff in the last month.
Yet to receive either but the first is being shipped tomorrow.
I'm very happy with my M57... also from J&G.




Got a leather holster (with cleaning tool) and an extra magazine from Liberty Tree Collectors. If you want the same magazine, my M57 came with a looped follower.

I also have a Nagant at my FFL, which I bought with the M57. I got a can of both ammo from them, which my credit card took a beating on (didn't want to get guns without ammo, and I ordered a little bit after the Newtown shooting). Have a SIG P228 there, which I'll be picking up first (NJ's stupid one handgun a month law).
Been happy with my Romanian. Reliability is, of course, perfect. I shoot it at my clubs 100yd range. Not on paper so far...I just pick out things on the berm. Clumps of dirt, weeds, etc. I am always hitting close enough to knock them off the berm. Trajectory is really flat, and the sights seem dead on at that range.
well went ahead and ordered a yugo m57 yesterday from j and g along with 400rds of bulgarian ammo.
You will be disappointed with the Bulgarian ammo. I ordered some from J&G too, and it is inaccurate and the cases split about half the time.
Don't forget to thoroughly field strip the gun and clean it after shooting the surplus ammo. They are Berdan primed with corrosive salt primers.
I received my Romanian TTC from Classic Arms. The gun does not have a blemish. It looks new. The Yugo 57 is being shipped but I have to wait til next week to transfer to keep the ATF off my back. I hope its just as nice.
went and got it today from my ffl. the gun is in pretty nice shape with a bright and shiny bore, nice grooves. there is a little holster wear on it but over all nice gun. j and g sales didnt ship out the ammo i ordered with it and for some damn dumb ass reason they are shipping the ammo to my ffl as well. so when it comes in will have to drive the 45miles to his place to pick it up again. but oh well maybe my dies for the 40s&w will be in also. anyway now im jonesing to go shoot the damn gun cause it just feels right in the hand.

gotta find some extra mags for it now and in the next couple weeks am going to get a romamian if i like this one as im sure i will cause it just feels like it belongs in my hand. been a busy week for guns for me got 3 since monday lol. wifes getting a little ****** but she knew how i was 24yrs ago when we got married
Congrats! You will enjoy your M57. I have no idea of where jag2 is coming from with his comment. Unless it is his particular gun, the ammo he used, or his shooting ability. All there of my Tokarev variants are very accurate. Polish TTC, Romanian TTC, and Yugo M57.
just cant wait till i get my ammo, normally j and g has been very good with shipping stuff out in a timely manner. ordered my gun and ammo on friday last week and got the gun yesterday but they havent even charged my card for the ammo yet and it was all on same order which i find very strange. Maybe this weekend will find a gun show somewhere in a 100 mile radius and go find a couple boxes of ammo. will post some pics of it this weekend.

on a side not how do you post a pic that actually comes up on screen, unlike the way im doing it with a link to the pic?
on a side not how do you post a pic that actually comes up on screen, unlike the way im doing it with a link to the pic?

First, you have to have the picture posted on the interwebz somewhere. I use picturetrail.com, but there are many other free posting sites.

Then, while you are posting your forum entry, you click on the icon in the edit bar that looks like this:

The icon will insert the image tags. When it does, you put the link to your picture in between the tags.