Yugo M48A, neck deep in cosmoline


New member
Good morning everyone. Yesterday I went to a local gun show and kept gravitating towards an M48a Mauser that was in remarkable condition, for what I believe now is an alright value. Get it home, look her over even more and quite frankly am really digging the purchase (I always wanted a 98k, never had the chance to spend the money on one, and never really put much thought into a Yugo instead) but as I'm sure some you know, this has got to be one of the most thoroughly cosmolined rifles I've ever seen, and even having experience with Mosins and an SKS I'm a bit overwhelmed by the sheer volume of the stuff.

What are everyone's go-to methods for getting slabs of cosmoline out of your rifles?
Simple green and elbow grease.

I have had really good luck with this purple liquid degreaser from Sam’s Club. It is dirt cheap for a gallon of it, either dilute it or leave it full strength. It doesn’t damage metal and cuts through the toughest gunk. I use it for cleaning out the gunk in my flintlock after a hard day of chasing the elusive brown four legged trophy creatures. Maybe two treatments of hot tap water and this degreaser down the bore, brand new!!!

If you have some old beat up tee shirts you don’t mind ripping up for rags, now is the time to break them out.