Yugo m24/47 rear band is stuck!

Hmmm... the wood has swelled. If you had a large enough dryer or dehumidifier to put the whole rifle in I suspect you could tap it off easy enough after a few hours in that. Is it REALLY humid with tons of rain where you are for the past few days? If so, maybe try to wait until the humidity drops a good bit, then put the rifle out in the sunshine all day. That may do the trick.

Or use a brass punch. If the wood is really swollen, really bad, you may mar up the wood pretty bad doing this.
Thank you for the replies. Both of you helped me tremendously. I applied heat using a hair dryer and used a brass punched to knock it out. It was stubborn but it came out.
I believe the wood is warped, you could try to remove the gap with a clamp. And as we all should know the clamp could become another problem.

F. Guffey