Your strategy?


New member
Let's say some of those scenarios that you wrote happen...the common concern seems to be massive civil unrest.

Okay, let's say you elect to hunker down and protect the homestead. Can you briefly describe your strategy to hold your ground? Also please describe type of terrain also.

I live in a tract home area near the city, but I am two houses short of the top of the hill so I have pretty much a good field of fire. You all going to have to play King of the Hill if you going to assault my location.

I start sniping at leaders at about 300 yards...figure I cut the odds until they decide to quit. Use a .308, picked 300 yards to assure hits.

There is a high school field (track) and football field and three baseball diamonds back to back midway up the me a nice clear field of fire.
Excellent idea on strategy.

Take and hold the high ground.

Well, us Houston area dwellers have no "high ground". However, I would attempt to get to a location that allowed a covered retreat, as near as possible 360 degree firing area. There is a large wooded area within a couple of hundred yards of my house.
I can exit through the wooden fences of all of the back yards (you can knock out pickets easily) and get to this area in very little time while being concealed by homes. That would be my Alamo. There is a large boulevard and an open field, but the trees are quite thick. I could set up a hide just inside of tree line and probably take out a few. 30 - 06 for longe range sniping. Prefer a .308, just don't have one.

.223 Mini 14, .44 mag Ruger Semi Auto rifle, 30-30 lever action(yes a 30-30) for closer in combat. Don't laugh at a 30 - 30, I think it would do the job on a chest cavity of any perp, and a head shot would be devastating. It was my father's deer rifle and I have lots of ammo...

Shotgun next and finally any pistol will do as long as it's a .45 once they are in range. Just joking...any pistol. 9mm or .38 or .45 will do the job....

.45 is also good when they drop nerve gas or some other deadly inhalant. Save a clip in case imprisonment is inevitable. We could make sure we don't suffer....
During the LA riots of '92, some merchants defended their stores with ar-15s (I guess they were legal back then, but who gives a damn if they weren't) and 9mm's. I remember seeing on the local news store owners camping on the rooftops with their armaments. During a later interview, one store owner and a colleague claimed they shot about 200 rds near oncoming crowds of looters throughout the day; they successfully prevented anyone from stealing anything from their stores.
Don't forget the importance of recon and communications. If there was any advanced warning to the unrest, I would talk to neighbors and establish a lookout schedule. Use FRS radios from lookouts to alert if a mob is moving.

I agree with the strategy of engaging at the longest possible distance. The objective it to get them to figure out that its safer to go somewhere else.

I'm assuming herd mentality would be in effect, so if you turn the leaders you turn the mob.

If its not herd mentality, if its a determined assault to get what you've got, then I'd better think of something else.
Hey, didn't they lose at the Alamo? Maybe its taught different up here. I prefer the Alcazar de Toledo analogy!!!
Did "they" lose the Alamo?

Well, all 180 or so of them died....but, those 180 people held Santa Anna with 1000's of soldiers at bay for several days while Sam Houston rounded up troops and skirted around Texas to set up the battle of San Jacinto on April 21st.

180 men died. The Mexicans were so mad that these 180 people had killed them and held off their assaults with just good ole plain marksmanship and guts that the last charge they played was "De Guello" (maybe mispelled) It meant "no quarter", that they would take no prisoners and destroy their remains so that no one could come to their graves and find solace or pray.

So did they lose the Alamo. I think not. Those 180 or so souls are the reason those of us blessed to be born as Texans are so damn proud!!

If you ever want to be humbled, the Alamo or the Arizona memorial at Pearl Harbor will do so......

Sorry for preaching, but in Texas, talking bad about the Alamo is almost like telling us we can't secede if we so desire......:p
Have a plan B, because the old homestead is probably flame, oops I mean frame, construction. As longer as nobody is within fire bomb range, employ the old rooftop ballot system. There, instant high ground. All this 360 field of fire talk reminds me of the famous Bastogne comment "they've got us surrounded, the poor bastards" :)
If you are that worried, buy a ex-military AFV, maybe a Sherman or a Honey, and mount one of those simi-auto replicas of the browning .50. Belt fed simi. And maybe a replica of the 1919 browning that is also a simi-auto (I believe it sells for about 2500 bucks).

Ok, you now have an armored pill-box with rotating turrent. Just make sure you have a safe way to get to it and back out (or if it is running, just park it in the garage).

Now is the time to make friends with all of your neighbors.

Do a "crime watch" or whatever they call it in your area.
Deafsmith I know a guy who owns about 30 different tanks and apc's has 2 at his house in the back yard
My house is the last house on a rural road; up against 100's of acres of BLM land. My front 3 acres is fenced. Big, car proof automated gate at bottom (330 feet from house). Anything that crosses the property line during a riot is going to hit. Open ground; nothing to hide behind (just moved here, guy before felt need to tear out a bunch of junipers).

Long range: My cz452: I know its rimfire, but its accurate and is the only thing I have really suitable for 100 yard engagements.

Medium: 20 gauge with 00buck.

Short: 9mm or the shotgun still.

I have several thousand .22's on hand (I shoot alot, cheaper in bulk). Should hold off a threat for a long time.

If its really bad, I got this bullet that weighs 3000 pounds and goes 80mph.

I live in one of the largest houses in a small village of 13 houses. The small village is seperated from any other house by about 1/2 a mile. There are 4 roads in... looking directly out from my house, you can see two roads that merge together in a Y about 1/8 mile up. There is one house right at the Y, standing between those two roads. Everything in the middle and on both sides of those roads for about 1/4 mile is all field. There is another Y in the road where the two remaining roads merge... which is about 50 feet from my house. The house that stands on the outside of this Y is owned by my friend, Josh. The house on the inside is unoccupied. to the right side of my house is where another friend of mine, Matt, lives. Out back of my house is a 15 foot section of lawn, followed by a near vertical hill which drops about 60 feet, and the bottom 10 is all dence brush, including prickers. Past the prickers is wide-open swamp. My lawn, Matts lawn, and Joshes lawn all overlap each other, but each is about 10 feet above the other. Matts back yard is also home to out community water tower, which is actually underground... developing a hump which stands about 10 feet above his lawn. Every single one of us is an avid firearm enthusiast. Many of them hunt religiously. If you ask me, the scenerio couldnt go much better.

My plan of attack:

The house standing between the first two roads at the Y has a clear view of all of the fields all the way back to the tree line. A spotter with my 10-80 X 90MM binoculars, and a sniper with joshes 30-06 should be able to hold down that side. Matt could lay prone on top of the water tower with a 308 and pick off anything moving through the swamp and road past the swamp. From my barn, I can see everything within 1/2 of a mile in every direction possible. With a good spotter and my DPMS Long Range 308 (that I don't yet own), I could provide backup for both sniping locations as well as holding from the right. If anyone manages to get by any of our spots... there are 10 other occupied houses with what seems like a nearly unlimited supply of firepower. Aside from an army of 400 all equally well armed soldiers... I don't see anyone getting in.
I can see your concern because you live in California:eek: I would do a hard research on your real threat assesment. Most neighborhoods will never have any problem even if things get really ugly. It is only a criminal element that does the rapeing a pillaging and most of us don't have those kind of neighbors.

If you do then I would move.:D
