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Your site is too slow

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I enjoy TFL, but recently it has become way to slow to download. Would you email me when you have your site back up to pace ?
I noticed that TFL seemed slow earlier this morning too. The speed seems to have picked up again, though.

TFL could be slow for you for a number of reasons.

Your modem may be slow.
Your dial-up connection may be slow.
Your ISP could have a bad connection to the Internet.
Your ISP could be having any number of difficulties.
There could be latency problems / Internet congestion between you and TFL's server.
TFL's server could be in the process of being upgraded.
TFL's server could be running slowly due to overloading.

I'll email you to let you know that I posted this, but don't expect an engraved invitation to join us every time you experience a slowdown. ;)
They were installing new fiber optics at the host company last nite and this morning.
Certainly. Just as soon as I determine that the site is moving rapidly enough to warrant your time, I'll send you a personal note.
My suggestion would be to check in every other month or so and see how it is going at that time. That way no time would be wasted by either of us.
Admins/Moderators -

The site has been extremely slow since about 10 AM Mountain Time today on all forums. It's still bad at 3:30PM. I'm on a LAN and other sites are fine.

Maybe compact the DB again, archive some stuff or something.
The slowdown has nothing to do with the site. The web host just installed a redundant network from Cable and Wireless to back up the original network from AT&T. If you run a trace, you'll see that the routers are actually "learning" the fastest routes, sometimes going thru Baltimore/DC, sometimes Dallas, sometimes LA and sometimes Atlanta....sometimes AT&T and sometimes C&W.

I do note that there's one IP that keeps timing out on the route and I've notified them of that.
I am on an extremely fast cable service. I can download (FTP) a 35 Megabyte file in under 4 minutes. Napster runs at up to 150 kb/s when hooked to the right people. TFL takes forever to load.

When I open a forum, I must wait for about 2.5 minutes for the page to load. Posting takes almost 45 seconds to confirm and reload. What is wrong?
Libertarian, I am on a cable service as well but not so fast I suppose. The large forums like General are taking me about 2.5 sec. to load up. After I post this I will edit this post and let you know how long that took.

Edit: Right at 2 secs.
Hey hey hey, now now boys, no need to be snippy. I've been posting here for awhile and didn't have any problems with speed (I have a decent 57k modem) until the last two to three weeks or so. Agreed, last night was unusually slow, I couldn't even log on to post earlier, bit it seems to be ok for now.

Still wondering, I know you guys have made some changes lately but just curious, did you downgrade equipment (no sarcasm intended)? It seemed just fine before.
Its 12:00 A.M. pacific time, It took me 5 minutes and 14 seconds to log onto TFL. This is bull****. You're right, its not worth my time...

Sorry, I didn't give all of the facts. A bad cold and the meds that go with it don't leave me as clear headed as I'd like.

1. It's been really slow for around 24 hours. It is still occuring right now as I type. I have thre browser sessions open and I am watching General open on one of them. It takes several minutes.

2. Yes. I ran a trace route and it seems to be going through okay. I didn't rerun it as I was on another forum arguing with some folks there.

If you think that the new router learning its lookup paths is the problem, I'll consider the issue respolved and live with it while the hardware sorts itself out. If this is still running slowly on Friday PM, I'll let you know.
Rich, Here are the trace route results

Ignore lines 1 & 2. This is a response from my LAN/Firewall and always shows up like this.

C:\WINDOWS\Desktop>tracert http://www.thefiringline.com

Tracing route to http://www.thefiringline.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 <10 ms <10 ms <10 ms
2 * * * Request timed out.
3 12 ms 12 ms 12 ms r1-fe0-0-0-100bt.ritchie1.md.home.net []
4 14 ms 14 ms 14 ms c1-pos9-2.washdc1.home.net []
5 17 ms 13 ms 13 ms home-gw.wswdc.ip.att.net []
6 12 ms 17 ms 15 ms gbr2-p53.wswdc.ip.att.net []
7 13 ms 14 ms 12 ms gbr4-p70.wswdc.ip.att.net []
8 32 ms 44 ms 29 ms
9 30 ms 31 ms 30 ms gbr3-p60.attga.ip.att.net []
10 38 ms 37 ms 39 ms gbr4-p40.ormfl.ip.att.net []
11 39 ms 41 ms 38 ms gbr1-p90.ormfl.ip.att.net []
12 43 ms 49 ms 45 ms ar1-p310.mamfl.ip.att.net []
13 44 ms 46 ms 44 ms
14 * 44 ms 46 ms router.usda.net []
15 46 ms 46 ms 47 ms http://www.thefiringline.com []

Trace complete.
Those stats look acceptable. That's because it's coming over the AT&T network. The slowdowns are on the C&W network. Were you still seeing a browser slowdown at the time of that trace?
Yes. As mentioned, I was running multiple browser windows. (Not a part of the problem. I just did it last night to maximize my viewing time while TFL is so slow.) Even though my route to host was established, I was still seeing a signifcant slow down.
Rich, email me if you want to try some kind of real time timing tests. I don't know what sort of debugging or tracing facilities are available to you, but if we synchronize our watches and I start a given thread, you may be able to see if it is the comm or the server.

It has been extremely slow for around 2 days. For example, this thread took well over 1 minute to load (would have been instantaneous FAPP a few days ago). By contrast, I downloaded an 800K file from UC Berkeley (longer route?) about 10 minutes ago and it took 37 sec so latency probably can be ruled out. I scrolled this thread down and finished reading Lib's timing facts posts while the remaining 2 posts in the thread were still on the wires. And another clue, the data seems to be coming in very small chunks with lots of time in between.

{Added after submitting this post - it took approx. 2 minutes to get back to this thread after getting the "Thanks for posting..." screen.)
Perhaps it is the sunspots.


But seriously,
It has been very slow for me since yesterday PM. It is now 1pm cst and is still very slow...pinging does not show any slowdown to get to the site, it is only once there that the slowdown takes place. For what it is worth this is not the only site I am having problems with...some are fine and some are slow. If I had to guess I would say that it may be due to net congestion and the different servers that are used by different sites. Just my non-technical 2 cents worth.

NeoTrace Version 2.12a - Shareware (2-1-2000)
Destination: http://www.thefiringline.com

-#--------------Node Name---------------IP Address------Location-----------RT*--High---Low---Avg-Tot---D-Who
49 75 46 50 24 0
11 gbr2-p100.cgcil.ip.att.net 41.883N, 87.625W 48 77 43 49 24 0 2
12 gbr3-p00.cgcil.ip.att.net 41.883N, 87.625W 59 72 47 53 24 0 -
13 gbr3-p30.n54ny.ip.att.net 40.583N, 74.617W 65 73 59 67 24 0 -
14 gbr3-p30.wswdc.ip.att.net 38.908N, 77.017W 77 96 65 79 24 0 -
15 gbr4-p60.wswdc.ip.att.net 38.908N, 77.017W 82 87 69 80 24 0 -
16 gbr4-p10.attga.ip.att.net 33.750N, 84.383W 88 122 84 88 24 0 -
17 gbr3-p60.attga.ip.att.net 33.750N, 84.383W 86 124 84 99 24 0 -
18 gbr4-p50.ormfl.ip.att.net 28.533N, 81.367W 94 145 93 97 24 0 -
19 gbr2-p100.ormfl.ip.att.net 28.533N, 81.367W 104 189 94 110 24 0 -
20 ar1-p3110.mamfl.ip.att.net Unknown 99 135 98 101 24 0 -
21 Unknown 107 131 99 105 24 0
22 router.usda.net Unknown 110 136 101 118 25 1 3
23 http://www.thefiringline.com 35.071N, 84.033W 104 157 100 107 25 1 4
*All times in milliseconds (ms), D=Dropped packets
EXCALIBUR Group, A Time Warner Company (RR6-DOM)
13241 Woodland Park Rd
Herndon, VA 20171
AT&T Corp. (ATT2-DOM)
55 Corporate Drive
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
us data authority (USDA7-DOM)
2234 N. Federal hwy suite 481
Boca Raton, FL 33431

Copy the above and below text into notepad and turn off word wrap. Compare this to this one from bladeforums below. The access times to BFare actually longer acccording to the ping. The bladeforums site loads worlds faster. I'm using Netscape 4.05.I'll try to log on Saturday AM, somewhere around 3-4AM, when network traffic is at it's lowest, and use both IE and Netscape to see if it's a browser problem. The first entrys are my local route and don't affect the times at all.

NeoTrace Version 2.12a - Shareware (2-1-2000)
Destination: http://www.bladeforums.com

-#--------------Node Name---------------IP Address------Location-----------RT*--High---Low---Avg-Tot---D-Who
47 62 45 50 40 0
11 gbr2-p100.cgcil.ip.att.net 41.883N, 87.625W 58 67 46 51 40 0 2
12 gbr3-p00.cgcil.ip.att.net 41.883N, 87.625W 51 64 46 49 40 0 -
13 gbr3-p30.sffca.ip.att.net 37.775N,122.417W 89 111 85 92 40 0 -
14 ggr1-p360.sffca.ip.att.net 37.775N,122.417W 93 110 85 88 40 0 -
15 sl-bb22-sj-3-2.sprintlink.net 37.342N,121.883W 98 120 90 97 40 0 3
16 sl-bb20-sj-15-0.sprintlink.net 37.342N,121.883W 90 129 90 91 39 0 -
17 sl-bb22-rly-12-0.sprintlink.net Unknown 111 143 107 110 39 0 -
18 sl-bb20-rly-14-0.sprintlink.net Unknown 108 122 107 110 39 0 -
19 sl-bb10-orl-6-0.sprintlink.net 28.542N, 81.367W 143 154 130 137 39 0 -
20 sl-gw6-orl-0-0-0.sprintlink.net 28.542N, 81.367W 135 309 132 170 39 0 -
21 sl-lnetsol-1-0.sprintlink.net Unknown 139 312 135 139 39 0 -
22 jax7206b.fdn.com Unknown 213 213 135 164 39 0 4
23 Unknown 148 224 137 141 39 0
24 bladeforums.com 30.197N, 81.615W 143 207 139 154 39 0 5
*All times in milliseconds (ms), D=Dropped packets
EXCALIBUR Group, A Time Warner Company (RR6-DOM)
13241 Woodland Park Rd
Herndon, VA 20171
AT&T Corp. (ATT2-DOM)
55 Corporate Drive
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
Sprint Business Operations (SPRINTLINK-DOM)
12490 Sunrise Valley Dr.
Reston, VA 22090
Subject: BellSouth Frame T3 taking errors

The BellSouth frame T3 is taking errors. The ticket with BellSouth is SD#######. The DCSC number is 800-###-6923 for follow up.

They claim there is a fiber cut in the area and it is affecting frame circuits. They have been working on it since this morning.

The ping is not telling the whole story, I am told. The problem is with more complicated requests.
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