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I think the time of small steps have passed. State and Feds Ignor the 2nd Amendment as well as the constitution over all. It is time for red blooded Americans to stand up and Reclaim our Republic. The right of the people to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!!!! Not a confusing statement, not hard to understand, yet we give up our RIGHTS to politicions who only care where their next donation is coming from for reelection period. Wake up and strap a gun on your hip and /or a rifle on your shoulder and reclaim our republic. If all americans step up to reclaim our rights what are the pols going to do? Nothing. When the police chief in New Orleans stepped up to a mike and said "citizens will not be allowed to have guns" when the citizens needed their guns most really opened my eyes as well as millions of others. WAKE UP PEOPLE its your right to keep and bear arms period. No one has the right to tell us how,if,or when or where we can carry a firearm period. IT IS OUR RIGHT AND SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED period.
I suggest that the OP read our rules as calls for overt revolution, etc -
violating the law, etc. are not allowed.

We are strong proponents of the RKBA but a simple rant (to be blunt) doesn't contribute to what the L and CR forum is about.

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