Your preferred .223 round and why...


New member
I'm interested in hearing that your prefered .223 round is for both home defense and what round you prefer for other situations outside of your home... Thanks in advance...
I wouldn't personally class a 223 as a 'home defence weapon', not really.
A shotgun - yes, a pistol- yes , but unless you have very special requirements, it might be better to look elsewhere and anyway stay off the FMJs in the meantime!

***Big Bunny***
I like any of the quality 55gr FMJ rounds (American Eagle, Winchester USA, etc...). Soft point and hollowpoint ammo in .223 is designed to be used against little critters like prairie dogs and such. They were not designed for penetration in a 220 lb human male. The FMJ rounds have proven themselves in combat since Vietnam. They penetrate less than pistol rounds in common home wall materials and exhibit very devastating wound ballistics. The problems some have expeienced in combat with the .223 have been with steel core rounds that do not create the same destruction as standard FMJ rounds. Also, FMJ is generally more reliable in all makes of AR's, which can't be said for soft point and hollowpoints.
At close ranges (under 50 yards), the difference in expansion of a .223 GI bullet or a varmint bullet isn't worth comparing. The GI bullet's jacket is very thin; it blows up in jackrabbits and coyotes as reliably as anything from Speer/Hornady et al.

So, use whatever's cheapest that reliably goes Bang!

As usual, Art
Winchester 55 grain soft points.. good coyote round. But i agree.. OVERKILL for "home defense". Use a good scatter gun with #4 buckshot.

Saw an ad for Hornady's TAP .223 rounds.. Does anyone have any experience with this round? Is it as good as they make it seem? It seems pretty expensive. Thanks for your input...