Will work for ammo
If I owned a machine gun I would be standing on the on ramp with the above sign.
Contact your Atty. If the MG is on the registry you may be able to keep it. Very unlikely, far more likely that it is a one way ticket to the gray bar hotel.
I had a deckhand years ago who had a really cool VW bug convertible, for which I offered him a very fair price.
Instead this idiot took a lot less cash and a genuine full auto AK! He proudly tried to hand the damn thing to me. He was taken aback when I refused to touch the AK. He was downright ticked off when I told him if he brought it on my fishing vessel I would toss it overboard.
He thought it would be cool to bring it out on the ocean and fire it where he thought HE would not be caught. Folks like this do not care about the legal complications he would create for me, the owner.
The AK was a Viet Nam bring back and of course was NOT on the registry.