your favorite Weaver base rings ???

so I'm not a huge fan of Weaver bases on my bolt action rifles, but am looking at getting one of the new Mossberg MVP Varmint rifles in .308... I'm not seeing a conventional one piece base like I like in my bigger bore rifles... the gun comes with Weaver bases installed... on the couple short actions I have Weaver bases on, I have Weaver Quad Lock rings, & they seem to work pretty good... the scope I'm looking at is a 30mm & I haven't found those rings in 30mm

so on a bolt action .308 with weaver bases, & putting on a 30mm scope with 42-50mm lenses... what would be your choice for rings ???
i use weaver bases and rings on light recoiling rifles,.22lr-22 hornet-218 Bee-222 rem.- 223 rem. 6-47(222 rem mag necked up to 6mm) and have not had any problems with scopes moveing. eastbank.
Do you have a ring lapping and alignment kit? You'll want it for cheap rings. No, you don't need it. I've mounted dozens of scopes without one but you definitely want one. You don't need it with DNZ mounts.

Rings are the cheapest part you'll put on a gun, even the "expensive" ones.

The only question for me would be staying with Weaver or going to a single piece mount. Given that the Weavers I'd be buying (Burris Signature) cost as much or more than the single piece, it's a no brainer IME.

Think about man, you've got a $600 gun and (I assume) a scope worth at least a few hundred, right? $800-$900 worth of gear.

Good gun, good scope, buy good rings. Who cares if it comes with $5 bases installed.
most of my one piece bases are Leupold or Redfield... I'm assuming that there is nothing in those mounts available for the MVP yet ( I've looked a little, but was so far unable to come up with a match ) on a .308 I'd prefer a more "solid" mount... if I'm going to use the factory mounts, at least the 6 hole mounts linked, that I've looked at so far, they are wider, than for example the Zee Rings, which should ( in theory ) allow a more solid purchase on the base...

& yep, looking at a scope between $500 - $700, 1st 2 choices right now are a Vortex Viper HS-T, or a Burris Veracity

I've never personally lapped a scope yet, but understand the "cosmetic" advantages of not having any scope ring "bite" on the scope tube, if changing scopes, & trying to sell the used scope, or moving it to a rifle that the rings won't be in the same place... if something is off more than a little scope ring bite, I typically feel they are defective & replace them... I do have a set of rings, that were lapped in a past life, & they required a dab of contact cement to keep them from moving on the scope tube... so either they were opened too much, or should have been disposed of as defective to start with...
I'd like to order the DNZ...

but will need to verify that the mounts will fit the .308... reading under the MVP info, short action says fits 223 only...

The gun is brand new, so it may fit, if Mossberg used the same mount holes... of course them using 2 piece bases, there is no guarantee that the space between the mount holes is the same??? after I get the rifle, I'll likely need to call them to check, & place the order if they'll work
Ah... dang... you're right. A little googling shows me that the 1-piece doesn't fit.:(

Damn. Well, buy the Burris Signature rings. You can thank me later.:D;)
well... another option ( there is nothing custom on this projected rifle project, so far ) ... you know that just ain't right ;)... perhaps another rifle's one piece base can be machined & drilled to fit the .308 MVP receiver, or new holes drilled & tapped in the receiver to fit an existing mount???

I don't have any extra .308 ammo right now, & a lot of the match ammo is still out of stock everywhere, plus it'll take me little while to save up for the glass... perhaps I can already have a custom 1 piece base on the rifle, when the glass finally comes home ???

Nobody else thinks too much of them, but I like Burris rings.

The XTR's are aluminum, but massive. Very HD in appearance, and I have them on several rifles with no complaints. They do not look out of place on a matte, heavy use sporter like a Savage Hog Rifle, nor would I think your MVP.

For a "dress ring" or something more lightweight, I like their blued "Zee"rings. Very sleek, all steel. You can get them in matte also.
Thanks for the reply... I have many Burris scopes, but never tried their rings...

I do prefer a one piece base, & even more so, on a caliber such as .308... but obviously Mossberg feels the Weaver bases are plenty good, since they put them on the rifle from the factory

Are you sure that nobody offers a one piece base for the MVP? There's an outfit that specialized in bases....DGR or something like that. The MVP's been around long enough I'd think they'd have something. My Hog Rifle came with Weaver two piece bases, and I scraped them off and put a one piece from, that outfit on it. Same too with my TR .22. I'll go crash around the web and see ab out the correct name.
got it

Hey Wheel Man,

Just located a thread on another site that claims that EGW (Evolution Gun Works, which was the outfit I was trying to think of) is producing a 1 piece tac type base for the MVP. Not on the website, supposedly, but you can call and order.

My accuracy pals claim a 1 piece unit adds stiffness to receiver and may aid accuracy.
Thanks for the tip BAMA... I found that they are also making 20 MOA bases as well as zeroed bases... took a little to find them, as they are in a different spot on their websight, under HD mounts, rather than the scope mounts heading... links below

ooops... just noticed, both of these are also for the 223 rifle only... ( not the .308 )... may have to pick up a chunk of Weaver base blank, & have my buddy machine me one to fit the .308