Your Favorite Source of Surplus Firearms (on Gunbroker or Elsewhere)


New member
As of June 2018, what are your favorite sources for surplus firearms (pistols or rifles)?

I have acquired a number of great pistols (CZ75s and BHPs) recently from Cole's Distributing (cdisales on Gunbroker), but a devastating warehouse fire wiped out their entire inventory a few weeks ago, and there is no news on when or if they will ever have any items up for sale again.

I've also scored some good deals from Mach 1 Arsenal (including a fantastic triple-serial West German P226 for very cheap last year), but their inventory has been pretty limited lately.

The Mosin Crate has interesting stuff now and then, but his inventory is obviously small and his sales model makes it pretty hard for people who have to work 9-5 jobs score nice pieces. And despite his long explanations to the contrary, the prices aren't always the best around (but the unique items he gets are pretty cool!).

I know there are the larger internet players (like Classic Firearms, Aim Surplus, and J&G Sales), but they don't seem to have the interesting variety recently that some of the smaller players have.

Just curious - where are you folks going these days to get your surplus firearms fixes?
Most of my milsurps I have bought in PPS. This is still my preferred way.

I have bought one at an auction, two in Anniston, one at a gun show and three at the LGS. A number of these were gifts.