Your CCW self destructs, what do you do?


New member
For me on a good day I would be carrying two guns and simply go for the 2nd one.

I am not talking about simple malfs. Rather something that prevents gun from working [ie broken fireing pin, kb, blocks and axe, stops a bullet, whatever].

On a bad day I would only have one gun on me then it is hand to hand [either empty handed or with spyderco].
Distance? Number of perps? Help me here, buddy. Depends on the situation.

(BTW, that .45-70 does a NUMBER on deer! Even with "wimpy" 300 grainers!)
Very QUICKLY assess the relative merits of

A. Engaging hand-to- whateverweapon (including the BG's "personal weapons"--I'm a small guy);

B. Obtaining alternative weapon(s)!;

C. Ducking and hiding; or

D. Running for my life.

These options may be exercised in any combination, in any sequence, as the situation unfolds.

Prayer is superimposed on all options.
Spec: how many, distance, etc? All depends :D Based on statistics I would say it is probably under 7 yards most likely under 5 yards and good chance there are two or more goblins ;)
Too situational, buddy. One person, short range, depends on weapon. "in or out": one has to be either inside opponent's useful range, or outside it.
Does the goblin know my gun ain't functioning? If not, I might be able to intimidate him usefully. If he does know, I can whale on him with it (I tend to carry large guns:)) Beat feet. Yell fire. Run into a construction site. Word of advice-don't ever chase someone into a construction site-there is a wealth of improvised weaponry there. You would not believe what mortar mix in the eyes does. Get in vehicle and run over him. Be creative. Open my trunk and pull out the other rifles and implements of destruction. Let my buddy shoot him.
Do what they do in England. Yell "stop, BG", and if they don't, then yell "stop, BG" again. Seriously, move off the line of fire and bug out if possible. If not, go to hand to hand or knife.
...if you're Spectre, wait for Spartacus to ventilate him.

...If you're Spartacus, hope Spectre's carrying! :D

We're all victims, he thought, easing up into a crouch. His eyes hardened. No. Not all of us.
Okay now Spectre and Spartacus are starting to get closer to what I was thinking about when I started this thread.

I was thinking that if you were in a situation were you pulled your CCW and pulled the trigger and it went KB or the slide went flying off then you need a Plan B. Beating feet doesn't sound very good to me because if that was a good choice you should have taken it first before gun self destructed. [I can promise you that you will never loose a gun fight if you never get into one!!!]

I like the idea of having a buddy that also carries, but ideally you should have a simple set of code words IMHO to communicate basic information. In Chapter 10 of Suarez's The Tactical Advantage Suarez mentions using the word "red" to tell team mate that your gun is down [malf or whatever] and you need to be covered.
We had supporting movement (he came up from their 6, I flanked) when we saw an apparent "woman in distress" late Weds night. (I was also on phone w/ 911.)

-Oh-friend that he is, he had a spare in my favorite sidearm- Glock!
As per Rex Applegate in "Kill or Get Killed" I will use the gun as an impact weapon. The slide of a USP 40 laid alongside the average bad guy's head with sufficient enthusiasm should bring my transactions with him to a close.
I prefer the idea of beating the crap out of BG with the disabled pistol. Clubs, in general, produce more immediate response than knives. I have seen some pretty good results from the vigorous application of sidearms to the head and neck area. The gun often gets damaged in the process, but in this scenario, that is irrelevant.