Your best game recipe (s)

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Let's see how well you boys can cook...

Make me swoon :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

What do you have to work with? We just finished Pronghorn a' pouvre (cracked pepper-heavy whipping cream, burnt brandy), with roasted red potatoes and romaine lettuce, fresh garden tomatoes etc....

It is far better to dare mighty things, though riddled with failure, than to live in the dull grey of mediocrity.
Wild Hog:
Try marinating overnight in red wine, cloves, onion, garlic, celery, salt and pepper. Roast like any pork roast. Serve with a fllour/water thickened whole cranberry sauce topping.

Gets better every day thereafter!
Dove breasts, filleted from the bone. Soak in terriyaki (rice wine, sugar, and soy is better) for a few minutes while chopping up the fresh raw jalepenos and wayyyy too many onions. Caramelize the onions in the same pan with the peppers and the dove. Add half a teaspoon of fresh grated ginger and 2 cloves of garlic. Reduce the teriyaki in the pan until viscous. Serve over flaky basmati or jasmine rice. Goes well with a good cabernet, but I offend when I chill it.

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?

Dr.Rob's anti-goat roast. (easy with any roast)

Kill antelope, perpare in field properly, take immediately to butcher.

Throw frozen (or thawed) roast in crock pot with 2 cans golden musroom soup (do not add water) Top off fresh veggies (carrots, onions, broccoli cut thick) Simmer in Crock pot on low all day. The water in the veggies will keep the meat tender.

Variant 2:

Place roast in reynolds oven bag , add 6-8 oz fresh rasberries or blackberries. Place in crock pot on low, simmer all day.turn bag over occasionally so that it cooks in the rasberry juice. Serve drizzled with honey, a fresh ceaser salad and a light merlot.

Pan fried Antelope Round Steak with Gravy:

Rub 3-4 antelope round steaks with minced garlic. Heat 1/2 stick butter in fry pan on medium heat. Pan fry steaks until browned both sides,remove steaks, add red wine, more minced garlic (say a tablespoon) and cornstarch to drippings in pan to make gravy. Serve steak with gravy dripped over and fresh tomato slices covered with cracked pepper on the side. A dry wine like Chianti Classico goes well with this. You can even use this dish as an appetizer since it only takes 5-10 min or so with thawed steaks.

Man I'm suddenly hungry. ;)

I am impressed! A bunch of redneck gourmets!
Keep them coming

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
They're coming too slow for me! Let's get things moving again with one of my favorite simple game meals that is best for the hunter in the field---


1st, DONT hack this thing up! It needs to be treated properly when removed, with a small sharp knife. Then take a sharp fillet knife to carfully remove every bit of fascia from the tenderloin you're removing. Let no silvery-white sheathing remain on it-- this is chewy.

Next, get some good coals going, preferably mesquite.

Then, slice your tenderloin at a bias so that you have 1.5" steaks of a small-steak size. The smaller the deer, the greater the need for an angled-bias cut, to cover your plate. Otherwise, you end up with medallions only slightly wider than they are tall.

Into a Zip-Lok bag they go, with the juice of 2 limes, 2 tablespoons of dry mustard powder, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, a tablespoon of salt (Kosher or sea salt is best), and about 1 tablespoon (give or take) of white pepper (fresh ground makes a big differnce here!). If you like (and I do), put in one minced clove of garlic. Let marinade for the time it takes to get your coals going well. Say, about 30-45 minutes. More is better, but not absolutely necessary.

Make sure your grill is clean, hot, and oiled before putting your meat on, and make sure that you moisten with oil and dust it well with the pepper on the grill.

DO NOT over-cook these, guys! It's a sin. Even if you normally take your steak Well Done, leave some pink. For me. Please. You can always put it back on the fire if you don't like it.

Serve it with??? A potato and fixin's, a large beverage of good cheer, and a cool starry night among friends. Preferably this meat was still cooling when you were preparing it.


Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?

I'm not a gourmet cook by no means--just a fat boy that loves experimenting. ;)

I'm from the south, so this is a southern meal. It can't be beat after a long day in the woods. Hell, it can't be beat anytime. But I haven't tried what y'all have cooking...yet.

Take some cubed deer meat and marinate it in Italian dressing. Add salt, pepper, and garlic powder to taste and let it marinate in a ziplock bag.

While that is marinating, get your skillet hot with grease or butter. Whichever you prefer. Then start you some taters boiling.

Yes, I said "taters". You don't say "potato" in the south. ;)

Once the water and taters are boiling, you take the cubed steak out and dust it in some flour and then fry it until it's almost done. Like a previous poster said, to over cook any type of deer meat is a sin. I'd like to add to that and say " and punishable by no luck for the rest of the season". :)

For extra crust, dip each steak in flour, then buttermilk, and then flour again. It makes a mess, but it's good.

After the steaks are done, more than likely it will be time to pull the taters and mash them. I like to add some freshly crushed garlic, salt, butter, and plenty of pepper to mine. For added flavor, make "loaded mashed taters". Add sour cream, milk, butter, maybe some bacon bits and shredded mild cheddar cheese.

You can serve this with fresh creamed corn, biscuits and gravy, or just a garden salad along with the taters.

Sweet tea is a have to on this one!


This evening I'll post about my experiment with chicken strips and salsa... or grilled porkchops with 57 Sauce and honey as a basting sauce...

[This message has been edited by The Mohican Sneak (edited October 05, 1999).]
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>"This evening I'll post about my experiment with chicken strips and salsa..."[/quote]

Given the forum, I've gotta ask: So, Mohican Sneak-- what's the limit on yard bird in your neck of the woods? :)
Dr.Rob's Mid Western Red Anti-Goat Chili:

1 big onion (yellow)
2 large cans dark red kidneybeans (drained)
2 cans chili tomatoes
1 small jar hot PACE thick and chunky salsa
1 small can minced jalapenos (mild)
1 packet shillings chili seasoning mix
1 pound ground hapless woodland creature (i use antelope)

Brown 1 pound woodland critter in frying pan, drain excess fat. Chop and carmalize onion, add minced jalapenos.Add pace picante sauce. Add meat back in, add beans and seasoning mix. add tomatoes. Simmer or crock pot all day on low. Add additional spices to taste. Remember you want spicy.. not so hot you can't eat it.

Serve heavy crocks with wedges of sharp cheddar or white cheddar and simple crackers like Ritz a light beer or iced tea is a necessity as this can be a lil spicy.



to quote the hamburgler...

Robble robble. (i'm not sure what it means but it denotes a certain appreciation for mysticism and is also less offensive than saying wank wank wank.)

hahahaha :)
Long Path,

The string was titled "Your best game recipe" wasn't it? :)

You see, around here we have wild chickens. A lot of people laugh when I say that, but it's true. Don't believe me? You try to catch one! ;)

I'm a Cali girl...Mexican, BBQ and (my ethnic group...Sicilian) are "normal" fare...some of your Suthin fare is gourmet here ;)....

I posted this in Gen'l for one of our military boys in the sand country...I've made it with muleys and with wild pig (best):

3 lbs coarse ground beef (chili grind)
5-6 goat loin sirloin or chops
3 onions, chopped
10 garlic cloves
2 28 oz cans of Italian plum tomatoes with juice
1 can or bottle of dark Mexican beer
3 tablespoons toasted cumin seeds
2 tablespoons toasted oregano
5 tablespoons ground ancho or pasilla chile powder
6 tablespoons New Mex chile powder (Chimayo is best)
7 fresh New Mex or Anaheim chiles, charred and peeled and
8-10 fresh jalapenos, chopped
2 cans of chicken broth
1.5 oz Ibarra Mexican chocolate (or similar)
2 tablespoons bitter cocoa powder and 1/4 teaspoon
oil for sauteeing

sautee onions but don't burn. Then fry up the beef in 2
batches....dice up goat or pork. Drain the fat, combine all
the fried beef, goat(pork), beer and simmer for 5.

Run the tomatoes thru a processor or blender but don't
liquify. Toast up the cumin and oregano.. In a 6 quart pot
add all the meat stuff above, the tomatoes,onions, cumin,
oregano and all the chili powders ...simmer for 40 min.

Meanwhile char the green chiles...then treat them and the
jalpenos in the processor/blender....stir all this into the
simmering pot....cook 30 min.
The last 15 min add the chocolate...always stir.

This tastes better as it sits, and freezes well

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Okay, y'all-- I actually tried this mole-chile of DC's, with only a few substitutions, and it's... really good! I used 100% whitetail venison, and had to settle for jalepeno's and regular NewMexican green chile peppers, and only had McCormick Chile Powder on hand, and used baker's chocolate and cocoa to sub. Really good, though. I added some masa, and hand-cubed my venison. Didn't last long with homemade corn tortillas and pico!

I can't make that right now, I'm too busy slobberin' all over myself. ;)

Sounds great! I'll have to try one day at the farm when a lot of the kinfolk are around.


Going for pheasant this weekend....will have an Italian recipe for ya'll:

Fagiano alla Diavolo translation

Pheasant with the Devil


"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Garden variety old rabbit the way Mum made it --

2 x rabbits quartered
2 x large carrots, sliced on the diagonal, thickish
1 x large onion, thinly sliced
red wine (dry, full-bodied)
2 x potatoes, diced large
1 x tin cream of mushroom soup
2 x dessertspoons jam (strawberry, raspberry -- something sweet)
8 x bacon rashers
2 x large bay leaves


Soak the rabbit pieces in cold, salted water for at least an hour before starting.

Caramelize the onion in a pan. Remove, and brown the rabbit in oil.

Wrap each piece of rabbit in a trimmed bacon rasher and secure with a toothpick.

Add onion to the undiluted soup, mix in carrot, potato, jam, bay leaves and a "gurgle" (technical term) of red wine. Add rabbit, ensuring everything is mixed well (but not mashed!)

Bake in a low/moderate oven, covered, for at least 90 mins (the rabbit needs to be falling off the bone). Add freshly ground black pepper to taste. Add black olives to warm through before serving.

Serve with warmed crusty Italian bread.


(DC: Me, me ... pick me!! ;))
I've always been partial to roasts. I've done this with one of these little store-bought cooker-dealies, but a real backyard barbecue pit works best.

If you're picky about what sort of deer you shoot, you don't need any of that marinating and whatnot that ruins the flavor. Wine and all that...

So, takin' a deer ham and pressin' on regardless, I work up a basting mix. The mix is generally different every time, 'cause I never remember what I put in it last time. I use the cheapest BBQ sauce from any grocery. Add maybe a half a stick of butter, slop in some Lea & Perrins Whigglewiggy and a cup of water, maybe. A dash of oregano or such and a good dusting of fresh-ground black pepper. Keep it hot enough to stay all blended together...ADD NO SALT!!!

The Fire: The whole deal is heat control, and for me, using mesquite is a given. I use a mix of oak, mesquite and charcoal briquets and get a very hot bed of coals for the start. I sear both sides, basting and turning every three to five minutes until a crust builds up. Then spread the coals until you have the equivalent of a 300-degree oven. Put some green or half-dry and some dry mesquite at the edges for smoke. Keep some briquets burning, off to the side, to add as necessary to keep the coals from getting cold during the three to four hours of cooking time.

Using tongs--no forks!--I turn the meat every fifteen to twenty minutes; about a beer's worth of time. Baste, each time. It is important to keep the cook lubricated, and an occasional small dribble of beer on the meat won't hurt anything--I learned by accident...

First time out, use a meat thermometer, and at around 150 to 155 in the center, it's as done as is needed. 160 is pretty much well done...A 10- to 12-lb roast off a small young whitetail will take about three to three & a half hours.

But, well done or not, it will be juicy! It will not be dry, since there's no salt in the basting mix, and the tongs don't allow the meat to bleed.

I did maybe 25 or 30 of these, and had a standing offer that if anybody didn't like it, I'd cook a filet for them. Haven't yet had to learn how to cook a steak... :)

Goes well with red beans, rice pilaf, tossed salad, beer, tequila; or even Sangria Wine or Backslider's Wine, according to a couple of old folkies...

Daggonit, I done went and made myself hungry!

:), Art
Dall sheep ribs, roasted over a bed of coals.

1 remote mountain range, I prefer the Alaska Range

1 Dall full curl ram's ribs, in two sections, taken at the culmination of an exciting, strenuous hunt. Leave plenty of fat on the ribs, sheep fat is GOOD.

Sprinkle rib sections with salt, pepper and rub with garlic, if you have it. Hang about 2 feet over the coals from a tripod made of scrounged wood. Drink a cold beer, if you have it, whiskey otherwise. Tell and retell stories from the hunt, and from other hunts. Use literary license.

Cut off ribs, one at a time, using the same knife you used to skin and quarter the ram. Wash the knife beforehand if you must. Eat using only hands and knife. Look at the stars, and the outlines of the mountain range against the sky. Listen to the fire, ptarmigan, grouse, maybe wolves if you're lucky. Feel the crispness of the fall night air on your back, the tremendous heat of the coals on your face.

Argue about calibers and bullets, genially. Toast hunts and hunters of the past. Roll into your sleeping bag and watch the northern lights until you fall asleep.