Your Attorney-General vs our Federal Justice Minister

I've heard and read with disbelief some of the tripe trumpeted by your Janet Reno, but then this .....

While driving to work this morning, I heard the following gem from our Australian Federal Justice Minister, Amanda Vanstone:

She was explaining why a decision had been taken to NOT allow the second police contingent to be sent to Timor to carry any sort of arms:

(I tried to commit it to memory, so this is fairly close to an exact quote.)

"Well, if you have a gun, and someone comes at you with a gun, what do you
have? A gunfight! But if you're unarmed, and someone comes at you with a gun, it's a whole new situation. It
takes a much stronger person to shoot an unarmed man."

If that's what passes for logic or intellectual reasoning these days, please
stop the world 'cause I want to get off! Is this woman from the same planet
as the rest of us???

Humans have an inalienable right to self-protection and self-preservation.
And that means using the "best means" available to them. If one of these
unarmed police is shot and killed (and I pray that won't happen), I hope
the family sues Vanstone and the Federal Government, citing them as accessories to

Damn, were do government officials come from under a rock? I think it would be a fine time to resign if I was a police officer with leadership like that.

Bruce- It is very hard to sue the government and win, after all they are always right just like in Waco :)

Bruce, I have no clue as to where this woman is from. I think my little girl has more brains than that! I wonder how she would feel if SHE was the person who had a gun pulled on her, how strong will she be then? Women such as her, are an insult to the female race. If it were up to me, I would say arm everyone (except those with criminal backgrounds), and I would bet my life that you would see the lowest crime rates in history. You need to get out of that country Bruce! :)
Yeah, no unarmed person has ever been killed by a genuine bad guy, have they? They always play fair - I'm sure they'd give the cop a gun, just so it would be a fair firefight.

What a blithering idiot.

There's a reason why gunfights in the streets were extremely rare in the old west (despite Hollywood's depictions) - dueling is dangerous! It's much safer just to walk up to someone and shoot them when they're not expecting it.

I would flat refuse to go without the means to protect myself.

If that's the way she feels about it, she should either go herself (sans guards) or send her closest male relative or best friend(again, sans armed guards). Ask her how she'd feel about that.

After all, she'd never be shot if they knew she wasn't armed...

Strangely enough, I think the only hope for the RKBA (and it's a dark, dim, & grim one from the cellers of my mind) is that they go too far with all this disarmament somewhere, and the world gets to see why they shouldn't disarm the responsible members of society. Unfortunately, I think it would have to happen in our own backyard, because of the "it can't happen here" attitude I see from so many of the antis and average citizens.

Beginner barbarians probably had the idea that every house they broke into would be full of untouched loot and frightened, unarmed victims. It just doesn't work that way, my friend.

I hope these evil men come to understand our peaceful ways soon - My trigger finger is blistering!