Your Advise Requested, most accurate .270 win bolt action rifle(s)?


New member
Hi and thanks for your response in advance.

I am asked by a customer to recommend
which .270 win bolt action rifle that the customer should buy. I asked him what he wants to do with it & he says he wants it for hunting and wants a rifle that makes groups
less than 1 inch at 100 yards.

I told him that I am a pistolero and
that I am not into bolt action rifles except
in the most causual way SO I appeal to your expertese in this case because I have none.

This customer would be willing to spend
from 400.oo to 1400.oo except he dont know what he wants to buy and I dont know what to tell him to buy.

For starters, we looked at winchester model 70 of which there are several models
available; then we looked at Remington ADL
and BDL and then we looked at SAKO TRG-S
and Hunter Models.

Which is the more acurate or most accurate? He expects me to tell him group sizes at 100 yards that each rifle is capable
of firing --and -- he is probably willing to spend the extra money to buy a rifle that will place most of the bullet heads through
the same hole.

Also -- please do not limit your advise to the makes and models mentioned. It seems both him and I know little about which bolt rifles are the more accurate--head & sholders above the rest--so to speak! Also, we would
appreciate knowing if we are even looking at the proper caliber. Prehaps a different caliber would preform better? I may need to ask him just what animals he intends to hunt.

It must ,by now , be obvious that I am not a hunter. My field of expertise is target shooting with pistols and revolvers.

Two shooters here in need of an education
on bolt action rifle accuracy!

jan 27,2000 thursday---I will check back
here at 10 pm tonight & again tomorrow for all the replies I am hoping (sure?) to get.

Again ,thanks. Ernest2

In 2000, we must become
politically active
in support of gun rights
or we WILL LOSE the right
& the freedom.


Every year,over 2 million Americans use firearms
to preserve life,limb & family.Gun Control Democrats
would prefer that they are all disarmed and helpless and die,instead.

ernest2, Conn. CAN opp. "Do What You Can"!
My brother has a pre 64 model 70 Winchester 270 that with any store bought load will shoot withine an inch and yously under at 100 yds and with his hand loads it will shoot 1/2 inch and under, prity much one hol.
Also a freind of mine has one of the new model 70 feather weights in a 270 that with his hand loads will shoot 1/2 inch and under at 100 yds. Both of them really lik their 270's there great shooting guns. I have for my personal hunting rifle one of the new Winchester model 70 feather weight 300 win-mags. With store loads it shoots right around 1 inch, but I havent goten to try any hand loads with it yet
I've had a number of them over the years, but the Husqvarna is the one I kept. Incredibly accurate and loves handloads........my2c
Its no big choir to make a custom rifle up that will shoot less than 1 MOA when you use good components and don't do any thing wrong to keep it from shooting. Use good bullets and proven handloads. I see lots of ½ groups come back from the range but with factory rifles and factory ammo now that's an other story.. Remington,Ruger and Winchester should be able to shoot one MOA if they are bedded and you have good bench technique with hand loads but if you use factory ammo that is another story and the group sizes are anyone's guess. You pays your money and you take your chances. More will shoot 1 ½ and larger than will shoot less.
Ernest2, This one is going to be a tough call. As Gale stated, a custom built is probably the way to go. In my 35 years of rifle shooting, the only guns that I could rely on to deliver consistent 1/2 minute accuracy were custom Remington 700's and Remington 40X from the custom shop. That being said, I have had a few good factory hunting rifles that would deliver the magic 1 MOA. Unfortunatly this is not the case for most factory built rifles. You can take 10 Remingtons, rugers or winchesters and line them up and they will all shoot differently.
If your customer is truly serious about the accuracy level he wants to achieve he needs to call Gale or one of the other custom rifle manufacturers and have a gun built to meet his requirements.