Your 11% Excise Tax on guns and ammo squandered


New member
I posted this on the Hunting board but think it also deserves a spot here. Check out this site and read what the GAO said about the Federal Fish & Wildlife mishandling of your taxes. In some cases they are funding anti-hunting groups. There's also a call to arms about another Clinton-nominee for Inspector General that should be

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
Thanks for the link. This is the stuff that continues to pi$$ me off about the leadership (lack of is a better word) in Washington. This does not suprise me at all, but it now gives me another reason to write a series of letters to my Congressman about what is going on. I urge all to continue to write to your representatives, about all of these subject matters. If they are inundated, maybe they will finally understand the meaning to leadership! (Which apparently is lacking in the FWS).

To own firearms is to affirm that freedom and liberty are not gifts from the state.