You won't believe this editorial...

Larry P.

New member
ever got published.

I am gonna have to change my terminology toward the newspaper I have consistently referred to in the past as "the wildly liberal, one sided local fishwrapper" to something more respectful.

Author is a James Lileks, I've never heard of him and don't know his credentials if any, except that he's referred to as a DC based columnist for Newhouse News Service, which I've never heard of either.

Editorial follows:

The Rosie O'Donnell Gun Ban Act

At least Rosie O'Donnell is consistent. The syndicated comedian and constitutional scholar has expressed her impatience not only with the Second Amendment, but the First as well.

When members of the Broadway show "Annie Get Your Gun" came to warble tunes for her show, Rosie insisted they change the lyrics to fit her political sensibilities. The line "I can shoot a partridge with a single cartridge" was deemed unacceptable, lest impressionable girls emulate Annie, don buckskin and gingham, and embark on cross-country partridge-felling sprees. The cast chose another song, a tune emblematic of the modus vivendi Rosie would prescribe for us all: "My Defenses Are Down".

Annie, get your gun, and turn it in to the proper authorities.

Debating gun control in the aftermath of the Columbine High School shootings is like debating food safety after you've come down with a case of e. coli poisoning. Forget that 80 million people ate Beefaroni last night with no problems. If a dented can laid you low, you want the National Beefaroni Safety Act.

Of course, the Justice Department can't prosecute the federal laws on the books now; all their agents are working frantically to ignore Chinese espionage, which is apparently a full-time job. But now they have even stronger laws they can fail to enforce.

The new laws will be like the last 340,203 laws; Their failure will only prove the need for more laws down the line. Well, enough of these half-measures. Let's cut to the chase and ban guns. Period. Here's what you do:

1. Amend the Constitution. This means a long, gruesome effort, pushing the amendment through recalcitrant state legislatures like a watermelon through a snake's duodenum. That's the easy part.

2. Confiscation. Here's where it gets fun. You can ask everyone to turn in his or her guns voluntarily, but people who have arms are generally inclined to keep them. They're funny that way. Here's how the gun-ban extremists believe that conversation might go:

Concerned federal agent: Hello, sir. I'm from the government. Do you have any guns?

Snaggle-toothed, chaw-stained, inbred lunatic: Why, yes, ma'am. I keep several guns in case the government exercises its natural inclination for tyranny. Do you want them?

Agent: Yes, please. Guns make Rosie sad.

Citizen: Of course! Here you go. Give my regards to the boys at ATF!

It's likely to go like this:

Government: We're searching this block for guns. Have a seat, Ma'am, leash that dog or we'll shoot it.

Citizen: What? I can't hear you. The dog's barking. Crockett! Come here. Crockett!

Government: (Bang) Here's a voucher for a new dog and a list of acceptable breeds. Now sit down, please, and keep your hands visible. At this point they'll have to go through every inch of your house.

Of course, this strikes some as a paranoid fantasy. Sensible people know that there is a precise and perfect amount of gun-control legislation that, once achieved, will solve the problem. Confiscation will never be an issue. And Affirmative Action will never lead to quotas. Sex education will never lead to birth-control devices dispensed in the schools. Unpaid family leave will never lead to paid family leave.

But why take the chance that new gun laws won't work? Confiscate. Start it now. And when some lunatic finds bomb instructions on the Internet and blows up a school, we can confiscate the computers. It won't be so bad-second time around, the drill will go much more smoothly. Believe me, after you've lost one segment of the Bill of Rights, getting rid of the rest is easy.

End of editorial.

Now, the boy writes good, but who'd a thunk any paper in the country would have printed that?

Larry P.
Who is this guy and does he know the bloody hornets nest he's stirred up now?

The needs of the many out way the needs of the few.


I think there are more than just me who would like to thank him for such enlightenment.

Coinneach, "smacking the fools with a cluebat..." ROFLMAO Thanks! :)

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
Did a little bit of AltaVista-ing on this guy... looks like he writes for the San Francisco Examiner.


DonL: You're quite welcome. I tend to use the cluebat simile when corresponding with spammers/MMFers ISPs. As in, "Please smack this moron with a sawed-off lead-loaded cluebat."

How does it become a man to behave toward this American government to-day?
I answer, that he cannot without disgrace be associated with it.
--Thoreau, "Civil Disobedience"
The Cynical Approach ?

Don't be suprised to not hear from this writer for a long time ?

The news media being what it is will probably ban him or something as the 1st Ammendmendment is only there for them when they wish it to be! ;)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Great post. Probably too wry for the antis to get it though. :)

[This message has been edited by Leadfoot (edited May 28, 1999).]
they'll probably revoke his membership in the writers guild and beat him severely with a rolled-up paper. you aren't allowed to make sense like that! especially notif it's not"pc"!!
wish more people would see the light.
He has his own <A HREF="">website.</A>
He use to right out of the Twin Cities for the St. Paul Pioneer Press, but I don't know if he still lives here or not.
Yeah, that's right! Lileks is or was on the AM talk radio station in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area on some call-in show called "The Weekend Diner" or something like that on Saturdays. Had no idea he would write a piece like that since what little I've heard of his show sounded a lot like a liberal (read Social Democrat) call-in show. But maybe I'm mixing it up with a few of the other weekend shows.
I just went to his web site and read the article / editorial dated 31 May 1999. While not on the same subject as the one first cited, it is moving and should be read today and tomorrow and then again on 4 July and 11 November.

James Lileks, I salute your way with words. Thanks for reminding many of us of the little known HEROS of all our lives.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
For Rich;

The editorial was published in the Austin American-Statesman, main paper in the capitol city of Texas. Where else, I ain't sure.

Other than a couple of equivalent editorials on this and other issues written by Suzanna Gratia-Hupp, who gets away with it by being a state representative now, I have never seen anything remotely similar in ANY newspaper not totally controlled by "far right wing militia skinhead white supremacist nutcakes" or something like that, I can't keep track of all the insults we take.

Larry P.
Larry P.--many thanks for the great post.

The article was published in the Austin American-Statesman?? Wow! I've seen the Statesman a number of times and in most instances was disgusted by its gun-hating and NRA-bashing. Maybe its editorial board is finally seeing the light, although, the Lileks article notwithstanding, I won't get too optimistic as yet.

Anyway, thanks again.

[This message has been edited by jimmy (edited June 02, 1999).]
i wonder if the media has considered that THEY are the next ones into the pot after us ? big gumm'int will then need only a few to tell us what to think and NONE who can ask a question!