...You, the MMM, RKBA, on-line polls and the liberal media

Winston Wolf

New member
Do you realize that perhaps the most potentially damaging event is about to take place in your area that has the effect of disarming you, the law-abiding citizen?

…Every day you and I read, rant, write and rave about the anti's thrust to push congress to even further limit our RKBA.

…We participate in silly on-line polls, we post topics on the issue that's not viewed by anyone other then pros that believe as we do already. We will spend hours preaching to antis on other boards. We e-mail each other and newspaper columnists.

…But what are we really actively doing to fight for the cause. Your NRA membership alone won't cut it. Well here's our opportunity. Sunday is the Million Moms March against guns. Go to the event, stand up and be counted. The media cameras and independent sources cannot ignore an equal (hopefully outnumbering) opposing voice. Show up and peacefully be counted. My mom is going to join me instead of eating mothers' day cake at her house. Do something for our cause, find out where in your area the MMM is participating and join your friends, family and neighbors in peaceful opposition to this potential straw on the "camels back" of the liberals to disarm us.

...please pass along to other good forums I've missed.