You sure bleeds a lot when shot five times...


New member
Among my other responsibilities, I am a volunteer fireman in a small rural district of about 7500 people. Yesterday we got a call for a GSW victim. We show up and their is the normal carnage at a GSW scene in a rural area, SO taping the scene, paramedic wide eyed and ranting, bystanders trying to get a closer look, and the "victim" bleeding profusley from the head and torso. Anyway, we package the guy, put him in the ambulance, land the helicopter, and send him to the ER.

It turns out that the "victim" was actually a perpetrator trying to rob some guy in a van. From what witnesses said, the guy in the van pulled a gun and shot. Another witness said that the guy in the van pulled the gun, the perp raised his hands and then shot... The investigation should be very intersting...
Follow up:

The shooter is not being prosecuted for "attempted homicide," but the SO is recommending that the DA is prosecute for concealed weapon.
Does the S/O really think they could get an conviction? If the DA has any sense he/she will tell the SO to forget it. I don't think, unless you are in a real anti-firearm area, a jury would convict.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited April 19, 1999).]
This is all really surprising to me. The SO is pro firearms, or so it seemed. Also this is a very large, very rural county where firearms, personal protection, and hunting are largely a way of life. We half-heartedly joke that Covelo (just north of me)is the only place in California where they search you for guns and knives upon entry, and if you don't have one they give you one.

I can't believe Norm would prosecute it. I also can't believe that Craver's office would suggest prosecution. I had a short chat with Norm during a break in the Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday and we talked about some CCW stuff but I forgot to ask him about this case.

I know that he has been teaching all of the county CCW classes, one almost every weekend, and has stated that he would not prosecute anyone for CCW in the county. We'll see what happens.