You never know


New member
Today on my walk I stopped and said hello to this elderly Chinese couple . In talking the wife in broken english was telling me her husband won 3 Championships in 30BR upstate NY in 2004,5,6 the husbands first name is Clark , the next time there going to show me his trophies . He's now 89 and doesn't shoot anymore do to Parkinson's . You never know unless you talk to people , will take pictures of the trophies.
Thats unusual for a elderly Chinese couple, unless the man was a US born Chinese?

I have met several older Chinese that were former PLA soldiers, you never know, but a lot of those old Chinese cooks are former PLA in their younger days.

some immigrate here later to join their children that live in the USA and spend their later years working in the local restaurants.
They allowed me to see his trophies , I not a guy that impresses easily but I was blown away , there had to be at least 75 plaques for , first and second place in 100 , 200 , 600 and 1000 yards matches . His vest also had patches for 1st Place . His name is Clark Shen , also pictures of moose, bear and mountain lions from hunts all in the USA . It's sad to see pictures of him in 2004 when he started to compete to see what Parkinson's had done to him . Wish I knew him back then , for sure he wasn't born in this country , when I see him he brightens my day , he's such a nice guy .
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Well good for him and it's good he ran into someone (you) that appreciates his accomplishment!

Stuff like this cheers me up and it SEEMS today there's so much "negativity" out there that we could all use a dose of this. Thanks for posting.
My wifes cousin has Parkinson and a couple years ago he couldn't feed himself.
He got an electrode in his skull and now has full function. He is back Hunting and anything he used to do. He just has to get a new battery every few years.
Thanks for answering , Clark is 89 years old , maybe if he was younger . Wish I could have seen him shoot . Now he's 5'4" 115 lbs. Still wears his IBA 100 yard first place hat.
I went shooting today , some of his winning plaques were from the range I shoot at . One range officer and three of my range friends remembered him back in 2004,5 & 6. One of my friends said he was the first guy he saw using wind flags . He had at least 12 trophies but at least 75 first and second place plaques for 100 , 200 , 600 and 1000 yard Competition matches . Even his wife won a few matches . Such a nice couple.
he must have had some marksmanship training from the People's Liberation Army?

he would have been born back in 1930 , and probably served in the military during the Korean War or later?

he may have also been in the Chinese Civil war in 1947 before the communist take over.